Friday 14 December 2018

Hanging with the Family (Oct.28, 2018)

I woke up when My Honey left for work and I laid in bed looking at social media for a bit then finally I just got up.
I did a few things around the house then I made myself a coffee and settled in on the couch for a movie.
I figured I could get one in before the kiddos got up.
I was wrong!
Before I even found something to watch, I heard them coming up over the stairs.
Mom came up with them but when she saw that I was up, she headed back to bed for a bit.
So I got them tucked in on the couch with me and picked something that we could all watch together.
We watched a show about witches then I got busy making some breakfast.

Miss A continued to watch the show for a bit.

I made pancakes but we had to add food coloring

 and sprinkles.

Miss A added icing to hers too.

They were a hit though and Mr.H ate them so it was worthwhile.
I convinced him to try on this little giraffe costume that I picked up yesterday for a steal of a deal.
He wouldn't stand up in it though so this is the best shot I could get.
I had these little craft kits I had picked up for them to do.
I thought today would be a good time for it.
I got them started on those and I started a puzzle.

Ms A lost interest quickly and made it a bit smaller than she could have.
Mr H was having a hard time, I think it was a little above his age range.
So I helped him and got them done.

We got them ironed
and they looked good.

I think it was a hard craft for them though so I will have to keep that in mind for next time.
Next up, we made cookies.
I had a Kodiak mix for chocolate chip oatmeal cookies.
They helped me mix it up then I rolled the cookies into balls and got them into the oven.
Just as they were coming out, my brother arrived to pick them up.
After they left, I watched an episode of The Block.
I am still trying to get caught up.
I haven't seen Baby F since before I left to PEI so I invited them over for supper.
I was thinking of making Sheppard's Pie because it's a favorite of theirs and because My Honey had made some last night to take in to work and it smelled so delicious.
He said they had no ground beef left at the store and he'd had to buy some meat and grind it himself.
So I wasn't sure what I was going to do but when I got to the store they had ground beef.
Yay - Sheppard's Pie it is!!!
I got supper made and in the oven and had enough time to get in another episode of The Block before my dinner guests arrived.
I was so happy to see them.
Baby F is growing so fast.
She is more awake and alert now.
I got her in my arms to snuggle while they were all eating.

She's smiling now too - what a cutie.

Wasn't long before she crashed though but I was happy to snuggle with her anyway.
I had told my brother to come as well and my niece but she was working.

I had a couple gifts for them that I'd brought back from PEI.
Paddington loves the baby's car seat for some reason.

My cousin had picked her up a pair of Uggs from Australia and they were so cute.
My Aunt L and Uncle I had sent a couple cute little outfits as well.
I had picked up a few outfits that I found on sale and I got Miss H a bottle of lobster.
She was happy about that.

I also picked up this wreath for a great deal yesterday and thought it matched Baby F's room so gave that to her as well.
It started snowing while they were there and boy did it ever come down.
They figured they better get going.

She makes such funny little serious faces, ha ha!
By they time they left it looked like a winter wonderland out there.
After they left, I cleaned up and headed back to The Block.
I had 2 episodes left to be caught up and I managed to get them watched.
I was on the second one when My Honey got home.
I felt bad that he'd had Sheppard's Pie for lunch and now he was having it for supper again but he didn't mind.
He said they were different anyway so it was all good.
It wasn't much longer before we were heading to bed.

Hallmark movie watching has become quite the thing!
I want to learn how to make my own shirts so I've been keeping pictures of ideas that I like.

This family wins for best Christmas spirit IMO!
That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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