Friday 14 December 2018

First Aid Training (Oct.29, 2018)

There was so much snow out there this morning (yuck) but it was kind of warm out so that was good.
I weighed in as soon as I got to work.
I was up a pound from Friday but I had on jeans so that may have been a contributing factor.
Still have a couple pounds to go to get back to my Pre-trip weight but I'll get there.

Today was JRA's 40 anniversary of working here so we just had to make a sign to celebrate.
There was a First Aid course scheduled at the office for 9 am that I was going to so I tried to get a few things done before I had to head there.
Time just flew by though and before I knew it, it was time to head to the course.
I hadn't eaten my breakfast first so I just grabbed a banana and that was breakfast.
The girl that came to teach the course was pretty good.
She made it interesting which is hard to do.

It was nice to have a few new folks around for coffee break.

We don't get a lot of chances to spend time with the guys from the field so it was nice.

I feel very fortunate to work with such a great bunch of people that I actually enjoy spending time with.
For lunch I quickly went home and grabbed a salad kit, a chicken breast and a bowl.
Then I came back to the office, mixed it up and got to work on finishing up payroll.
It was supposed to be sent in by noon and I missed the deadline because of some issues I was having so I really needed to get that done.
I ended up working and not eating so I had to take the salad with me when I went back in for the afternoon portion of the course and eat it there.
We were just doing the one day version of the training so we mainly just did reviews of stuff but we still had to do some hands on practicing.
The instructor told us that they are no longer allowed to call these "dummies" because it isn't politically correct or something.
Isn't that just the most ridiculous thing you've ever heard?
SV and I partnered up and practiced the techniques to aid a person who is choking and how to put on slings.
We watched a couple of videos then we did the test.
By 3 pm we were finished the course and I was back in my office working.
I worked flat out until the end of the day then I ended up standing and chatting with SV and BH until almost 5:30 pm.
I was expecting curling to start tonight so thought I would have a busy night but turns out that we have a bye tonight so no curling until next week.
That was fine with me.

I had left over Sheppard's pie for supper and it was delicious.
My Honey had some too when he got home from work.
I thought that he would be getting sick of it by now but he said nope.
It was another early night for me.

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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