Thursday 6 December 2018

Birthday Trip to the City with the Girls! (Oct.27, 2018)

I got up when My Honey left for work and hopped in the bath.
I really needed a soak and it felt lovely.
We were heading into the city today to celebrate BH's birthday and we were leaving at 8 am so I got ready to go.
I was out by the road waiting when SV picked me up.
We took her vehicle but I did the driving.
Our first stop was at Cora's in Edmonton.
It's been awhile since we've been there.
There was a fellow standing in the line up with us that looked really familiar and I finally figured out that I knew him from worked.
He worked in the Red Earth area but he quit a few years back.
SV asked him and he confirmed it was so.

BH and NCT

SV & Moi!
I tried to make a wise choice for breakfast and went with an omelette.
I had to get bacon on the side though and they had this bigger, thicker, longer bacon which you ordered by the slice so I got two.
I didn't like it as much as normal bacon but it was still good.

We ordered this stack of pancakes with the English cream sauce that they have as a dessert for us all to share and I had a couple bites - yum yum. 

I had mentioned to our waitress that it was BH's birthday and they came out and sang to her (we didn't ask them to).

BH was surprised and maybe a little embarrassed.
We all got a big kick out of it though.

Smoke break.

After breakfast we were off to look at showhomes.
That is what BH wanted to do for her birthday.

The first one we went to was the Stollery Lottery Dream Home.

I bought a ticket for it while we were there.
Isn't the garage awesome?

It was very modern so it wasn't really my style but I liked a few things about it.

Like the screened in living area.

This would be handy to have.

I like this tub but I don't like that it seems to just be out in the middle, I'd rather it be tucked into a cozy corner or something.
I hate that feature wall, it reminds me of camouflage and I am so not a fan.

The living room seemed kind of small for such a big place.

SV checking out the view.

That minimalist art is so not my thing.
I don't think any of us were impressed.
I didn't really care for the basement set up and furniture.

It wasn't cozy at all.

Not really my style.

It almost felt kind of cheap honestly.
It seemed very sparsely decorated as well.
There was a yoga/meditation room, that was kind of cool.
I also like this office area, love the wooden shelves on the wall.
I really liked the bed in the kids room too - I would have love to have this as a kid.

The backyard had a little putting green.

This was just the house next door - I can't believe this is a one family home - it's enormous.

There were a few other showhomes in the area so we checked those out too.
The second one we saw wasn't really my style either.
It was modern as well and I like more of a weathered, farm house, comfortable style.
I did like it better than the lottery dream home though.

It did have a big pantry with tons of storage.

It also had a big gorgeous tub.
The tub is a major selling point for me.
I would never buy a house if it didn't have a tub.

Took a picture of this guy for My Honey the poodle lover (inside joke, ha ha).
The little boys room was cute.

The airplane light fixture was awesome.
The third place we stopped at had a dream kitchen.
It was just so big.
It had a u-shaped island with seating all around it plus a gigantic table and another bar seating area that looked out the window.
My whole family could fit in here comfortably with room to spare.
Love this giant fridge too - I would love to have one!
And check out this awesome spice cupboard - this would be so handy and what a great use of space.
I love the tile on the floor, I would totally have this in my kitchen.
There was a huge surprise in the basement, an indoor pool.

Now this I could live with very easily.
It was a huge place and the rest of it was nice but again, not my style.

The bedroom had this glass bed that I didn't like, not crazy about the headboard either.

It did have a little kitchen area in the bedroom - I'm not sure how I feel about that?
It's kind of weird but it might be handy?

The tub seemed out in the middle of nowhere and everything was so open.
I wouldn't be able to have a bath privately and that I wouldn't like.

I do like the stone on this wall - it's not My Honey's thing though.
I wanted it for our fireplace at home but since My Honey didn't like it we choose the brick.
I love how our fireplace turned out so I'm happy in the end that we went the way we did.
Still like this though, maybe for another project some day.

Feathers and muted pink colors seem to be the in thing these days.

Not crazy about this.

There were several rooms in the house but I wasn't jumping for joy over any of them.
I was expecting more from Show Homes I think.

There was no closet, just this and I thought it was just big and overpowering in the room.

I did find things to like though, like this floor.
It looks like weathered wood but it's actually tile.
I love it.

We looked at several more.
There were things about each of them that I liked and disliked but none of them knocked my socks off.
I liked the light bottoms and dark uppers in this kitchen.

Liked the stools, they were actually comfortable too.
Me & my thing for light fixtures - these were a win in my eyes.

Like the brick wall.
Tiny living room though.
More light fixtures that I liked.

And another.

And another.

I wasn't into much of the art that we saw in the home but I did love this painting.

Love the chairs.

Love the light kitchen and the tall windows and super long curtains.

I really want a range hood - this one is plain but I like it.

Love the ceiling too.

This island isn't as big as the dreamy one we saw earlier but it still has lots of space for entertaining.

I hate this wall paper.
Love this dresser.

This room was a big fail for me too.

Like the picture collection.

Love, love, love the saying.

Another cool fixture.

I love how this tub is tucked in, it seems cozy and you can look out the window.
Not sure on how private it would be but I do like it.

More great words of wisdom.

I like little birds place here and there in décor.

Even though these aren't my taste, I did like them.

I like this wall paper too.

Now this feature wall I could live with.

Another fixture that I liked.

I really loved this little girls room.

Love the bird frame.

Love the wall paper.

Love the bird themed bedding.

Loved the bird cages - I loved everything about it.
It's the only room of the day that I think I would copy.
Around 3:30 we were all done with looking at the homes.
I wore boots today and it was getting annoying after awhile to take them off and put them back on at each place.
It was tiring too.
It was fun and I am sure we will do it again sometime.

It was a little early to eat so we made a stop at HomeSense.
I found a cute little giraffe costume for $8.00 so I picked it up even though I have nobody in mind really that could wear it.
It just looked so cute.
I found a wreath that was on sale too and it had pinks, purples and yellows in it so I picked it up for the babies room.
I think it will match nicely.

We stopped at another store just in Mayfield Common, Bouclair Home.
I couldn't believe I'd never been in there before.
It had lots of neat stuff for home décor and I will most definitely be back.

NCT found a picture that she really liked so she bought it but it was way too long to fit in the trunk of SV's car so I said I'd pick it up next weekend when My Honey and I head to Calgary.
Now I just have to remember to do that.

After shopping, we were ready to eat.
We hit up Buco in St Albert.
It's an Italian place and BH had gone there before and liked it so we thought we would check it out.
I had never been so I was excited, I love trying new places.
It had a big pizza oven that My Honey would love.
NCT and I.
SV and BH
We decided to order a few things and share.

We got gnocchi,
olives, parmesan garlic fries
and a pizza.
It was good and we probably could have eaten more but we had plenty of room for dessert afterwards.
We got these mini doughnuts that were filled with chocolate, caramel and raspberry.
I skipped those.
We also ordered a dark chocolate mousse that had rosemary whipped cream on it.
It was very rich but I just loved it.


After dinner, we took a stroll through the Italian Market since it was right next door.
They had these cool "warty" pumpkins and some white pumpkins too.
I was going to get one of the poppy seed pinwheels but they were out as usual.
I did get a chocolate hazelnut gelato.
It was delicious.


We made one more stop at Walmart and I was so happy because I was able to pick up some dental picks.
I had something stuck in my tooth for most of the day and it was driving me crazy.

After Walmart we hit the highway.

On the drive home, NCT told us that she had taken her father to hospital last night and they had checked him in to palliative care.

I felt just awful for her.
Her father seemed like such a healthy man just a year ago.

I haven't seen much of him lately but it was kind of a shock to learn that he'd gotten so bad so fast.

We got home around 10:30 and My Honey was still up waiting for me.
He said he'd had a good night.

There is a Halloween party going on in town at the bar and so my brother had brought the kiddos over for mom to watch.
He put them to bed and My Honey said they just went right to sleep.
I can't wait to see some pictures of the costumes.
The folks in town seem to come up with some really great costumes.

My son and his lady got dressed up and went.

They had a few folks over at their place before hand.

Pretty crazy pig right there, ha ha!
I love that they get out and do things like this together.
My niece was also busy and carved this awesome pumpkin.
Her crafty side is sure shining through - she is so talented and I am so proud.

We basically went to bed as soon as I got home.
My Honey had to work in the morning and I was tired.

My sentiments exactly!!!
If only it could be summer all year long.
Woo Hoo - All Green, go me!
That is all for today, until next time, be happy.

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