Tuesday 18 December 2018

A Visit With Courtney & Her Girls (Nov.9, 2018)

I weighed in when I got to work and I was down but not back to where I was last week.
258.2 lbs.
It's so hard, I work all week to get down then I have one bad day on the weekend and I'm right back to where I was.
It was a busy morning - I knew that I would be leaving in the afternoon for the funeral and I had a lot of stuff that I wanted to get done.
Also, CT came to visit with her girls.
She is the one we did the Color Run for this year.
I hadn't seen her since that day and she was looking so tired and frail.
My heart just goes out to them.
She is starting a new treatment next week and I hope it goes well for her.

Her girls are so adorable.

We were keeping them busy.

The newest receptionist.
They were having a great time stamping things and whiting things out.

Funny what things will entertain kids.
I told them to come to my office so they could get a treat from my candy dish so they did.
The littlest on gave me a big hug and said thank you.
Then she came back to my office about six more times before they left saying "I just need one more hug".
OMG - what a little love bug she is.
I pray that this treatment goes well and that they have years and years left to spend with their mom.
After they left, I ran up to the community center to make sure my Ipod worked on the sound system there.
Mom and her friend, DM, where there helping SV with the food.
I went back to the office and worked through lunch and right until 1:45 then headed up the funeral which started at 2 pm.
There were a lot of people there which was not surprising as BP was a well respected man.
NCT did the eulogy and she did a great job - it was very touching.
Her brother is causing her a lot of grief over money and stuff so it felt very un-Christian like but when he did his eulogy I just could feel no sympathy for him.
That's awful I know but I couldn't help myself.
His antics are the last thing NCT needs right now and it's causing her so much extra stress on top of everything else she has to deal with.
After the service, I helped put out the food and also with the clean up.
It was 5:30 when we finally headed home.
Mom was dog tired and so was I.
There was way too much food prepared so I ended up taking a lot of it home.
Chili for days and sandwiches too.
I had a bowl of chili and vegged on the couch for the rest of the evening.
I tried to get caught up on The Block.
I'm almost there.
That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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