Saturday 15 December 2018

Road Trip - Final Destination, Calgary. (Nov.2, 2018)

I got to work earlier than usual this morning.
I was planning on leaving early so I wanted to make sure I got a full day's worth of work in.

I weighed in for the weight loss competition and I was down more than expected - Yay!

I had a meeting through coffee break so I missed it again, bummer!

My Honey was home organizing his office and Paddington was supervising.

I worked through lunch and just had a salad at my desk because we were heading to the city so I planned on leaving early.

The weather wasn't so nice outside so we got on the road sooner than planned.
We had a truck service at Drayton Valley Ford for 5:30 and wanted to give ourselves plenty of time to get there.

We did see a couple fender benders on the way like this one so I'm glad we did take our time.

The roads cleared up once we hit WCT so we made really good time and were in Drayton by 4:30.

We grabbed a bite at a restaurant My Honey had tried his last trip there.

Happy as always to be on an adventure!

I ordered a Virgin Caesar and it was DELICIOUS!

I also ordered a salad

and steak bites.

I did sneak a fry from My Honey.

We dropped the truck off and walked to Walmart across the street for something to do.
They had Halloween candy for 50% off so I got some for my candy dish at work.
The decorations were 75% off so I got some for my son and Miss H.

They called to let us know the truck was ready as we were walking back to the dealership so that was awesome timing.

We saw a few deer right in town on the side of the road grazing.

They weren't skittish at all so we were able to stop right next to them and grab a couple great pictures.

We stopped at Timmie's for a coffee for the road then headed for Calgary.
We'd considered staying in Red Deer but the roads were clear so we decided to soldier on.
When we hit Airdrie I took over driving to give My Honey a break.

We arrived at the hotel around 10 pm.
We checked in, dropped our bags off to the room and then went back to the restaurant in the hotel to get something to eat.

I ordered carrot ginger soup and

pork bites.

My Honey had a club sandwich with onion rings.

Then it was off to the room.

It was a Hilton Garden and the room was nice, the pillows were lovely.
We watched a bit of tv then hit the hay!

I found pictures of a few ideas for Christmas stockings.

I want to make some for my son and his honey and Baby F.
I need an idea of what I want to make and tomorrow I plan on looking for some material.

My friend, PP's sister is already for the craft show in PEI.
She does such beautiful work, I wish I could be there.
I do have a few of her pieces and I know when I move to PEI eventually, I will own a whole lot more.

More tshirt ideas.

A few new songs to check out too.

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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