Saturday 15 December 2018

Beautiful Kind of Day! (Nov.3, 2018)

First thing on our agenda this morning was to get some breakfast.
My Honey had found a deli place in Calgary that had been on You Gotta Eat Here so we figured it was a great opportunity to give it a try.

It was dark when we arrived at the hotel last night so we didn't realize it had such a nice view of the mountains until this morning.

A nice view of downtown Calgary too!

I think My Honey went through 3 poppies just yesterday alone.

We headed downtown to find the restaurant for breakfast.
We used the GPS and parked at a spot that we figured was nearby then walked down the street where we thought it was.
There was a huge line up at this place and we figured it was the spot so we almost just hopped in the line.
Something made us double check the name on the door though and thank goodness we did.
It was a tattoo place called The Black Owl and they were having a special promotion, tattoo's for $100.00 (hence the line up).
We'd have been sorely disappointed when we hit the front of the line.

Anyway, we ended up finding the place we wanted to eat - Grumans.

It wasn't very busy but it was a cool little place.

It was a Jew"ish" deli - fun play on words.

They did have a full deli section there.

They had chicken livers on the menu so of course I just had to try that.

We also tried this little potato bun that came with sour cream.

I ordered an omelet.

My Honey got bagels and lox.
The food was really good.
They had all these pictures on the walls of customer babies eating pickles and making faces, I loved it.

After we ate, we walked over to the BMO Center for a craft show that was going on there.

There were so many cool things in there.

I love these folky looking stockings.

I am definitely going to steal this Christmas tree idea.

This was hands down my favorite booth.

I just love this kind of stuff.

I seriously considered buying one of the metal trees but didn't in the end.
I'd love to try to make one - they are really funky and folky, just my style.

I'd like to try to make one of these too - the tree shaped display.
It would be a cool way for me to display some of my "people".

We did buy a candle and I got an ornament for the kids.

From there we just took a walk around the downtown.
We'd seen some food trucks being set up on our way by earlier and wanted to go check out what was going on there.

Calgary is such a pretty city, I love it here.

We walked by this cool looking building that had a giant line up to go inside.
We were curious as to what was going on there.

Turns out it was the new library and today was the opening day.

They had some cool sculptures by the library.

Just a better view.

We found the food trucks and of course we had to try a few things.

There were lots of people out and about - nice weather really for November.

These are just the things we love to find.

We got a couple of empanadas from this truck.

They were ok, neither the best nor the worst that I've tried.

Then we got a PB&J from the grilled cheese truck.

They had some interesting sounding sandwiches.

It was all melty and good but it was just pb & j on white bread grilled.
It could have been so much more interesting.
We came up with a few ideas of how to make it better, like adding marshmallow fluff, using Brioche Bread and dunking it in graham cracker crumbs.

I had that idea for the trees burning in my brain and I really wanted to get some second hand sweaters that I could cut up to make them so our next stop was GoodWill.
The sweaters were $8.50 a piece which I thought was steep but I found a few things that were on sale for half price that I think will work.

We puttered around for the afternoon.
Went to the dollar store and came across a ukranian deli.
We tried a few things from there, nothing I would consider amazing.

A macaroon and a plain cookie.

I'm not even sure what kind of square this was but it wasn't very good.

I stopped at a Sewing shop and got mom some quilting tools.
There was a Homesense next to it so I checked that out.
Got a really great wreath for Christmas.
I always say that I'm not going to buy any more Christmas stuff but I always do.

We went for supper at a Thai place that we found.

I had coconut soup.

My Honey tried the sweet & sour soup.

I also had cashew chicken with coconut rice.
It was so good but was quite spicy.
I ate as much as I could before finally having to give up due to the fact that my lips were on fire!

My Honey had his favorite - green curry and he really liked it.

Afterwards I got a bubble tea.
I was kind of a maniac for them a couple of summers ago but it's been a really long time since I had one.

We passed this guy painting a scene on the window.

So talented.

We had tickets to Beautiful - The Carole King Story at Jubilee and it started at 8pm so we made our way over there.
We parked in the parking lot across the street then walked over there.
It was such a lovely evening.

My Honey wanted to check out the SAIT campus, he attended there for his training, spend two years there.
We didn't explore much though because I needed to use the facilities.

So we made our way right to Jubilee.

I bought a souvenir magnet - I used to buy the window posters but I have so many and I don't know what I'll ever do with all of them so magnets seemed like a wiser way to go.

I also saw an advertisement for macarons and even though I normally am not crazy for them, I suddenly wanted them.

I got a pack of four then we headed to our seats.

It was a great show.
There was one point where the actors kind of walked off stage and the lights went out on stage and turned on out in the seating section.

They made an announcement that they were having technical difficulties and to stay in our seats.
Then after about five minutes the lights in the house dimmed again and the show started back up.

They made another announcement that this certain actress would now be playing the role of such and such for the rest of the show.

I've never experienced anything like that at all the shows we've been too - it was no big deal though.

After the show, we hit up one of My Honey's favorite spots to eat from when he lived here,
Shawarma King.
The guy working there was really friendly.

We both got shawarma's and they were super good.

They don't have the pink turnip anymore which was disappointing.

It was still good though!


Ha ha ha!!!
When you gotta go, you gotta go!

So many good ideas!

I love it when I see all that green!

It was a great day and we were ready to hit the sack so back to the hotel we went.
That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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