Tuesday 13 November 2018

One Of Those Days Where You Are Glad When It's Over. (Oct.26, 2018)

Well, I tried my hardest to get back down to where I was before I left on vacation.

I didn't quite make it, but I did get pretty close so I was proud of myself.
Work was very frustrating today.

I spent the day basically arguing over one of our fellows timesheets with a group from Calgary.

He is on STD and they've denied his claim so his foreman and our area manager said they were going to pay him until a certain date while he resubmits.
The Medical Leave group had a different take on that and are refusing to pay.

There were emails flying back and forth all day but in the end, it came down to that they are not going to pay him.
I was frustrated that I couldn't do more and frankly ashamed that as a company we are causing him even more stress than what he is dealing with already in his personal life.

When I got home, I felt defeated and tired.
I played a few games of Solitaire and that helped to get my mind off it somewhat.

I didn't feel like doing much else all evening.
I watched some of The Block.
Still trying to get caught up on that.

I made Kodiak pancakes, eggs and bacon for supper and I also ran down to the store to pick up a lottery ticket.

Lots of others were doing the same thing - the lottery is at the highest it can be (60 million) and you can't win without buying a ticket!

I gave my brother all the hand me downs my sister had sent for Mr H and looks like they are loving the character blankets.
Mr H chose the Bee one.

He was buzzing around the house like crazy.

Miss A took the froggy one - I think she likes it.

Baby F dressed up in her first Halloween costume.

This is her great grandma with her here.

Looks like she just woke up and she isn't sure what is going on.

People are just so creative - love it.

Oh, and here is my teeny tiny white pumpkin I picked up in Barrhead on the way home the other day.
I was happy that I was able to find one here - I wasn't expecting that I would be able to.

When My Honey got home, we chatted for a bit but then I headed off to bed quite early.
I was sort of done with this day.

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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