Sunday 11 November 2018

Seeing Our Land For The First Time - Let The Retirement Plans Begin! (Oct.19, 2018)

The first thing I did when I got up this morning was call down to the spa to see if they could fit me in and they were able to no problem.
The hotel was attached to a mall and the spa was right in the mall.

I've seen these water massage beds in the mall before at West Ed only the ones there cover you top and bottom.

I've always wanted to try one out so I was happy to be getting the chance finally.
I got the first fifteen minutes free then I paid for another 15 minutes (which was only 15 bucks) so I could have a full half hour.

Not the most flattering angle, ha ha.
The bed was warm and they had a blanket so you could cover over so I was nice and cozy.

The control was easy to use, I just mainly left it at the full body and it felt really great.

Thumbs up from me!

Back to our suite to pack up - this was the living room part.

The bedroom.

That lovely giant bath that I made use out of last night.

It also had a huge shower.

And finally a kitchen/dining room area.

I checked out the view one more time before leaving and looks like a cruise ship has arrived in town.

Each floor in the hotel had these gorgeous lighthouses by the elevators.
This was the one on our floor.

This was the one on the lobby floor.

There is the confederation center right across from the hotel.
I've been there several times to see Anne of Green Gables.
I'd go again too!

The hotel entrance.

I think this is one of the tallest buildings in Charlottetown hence the great view.

My Honey found a place for breakfast.

The menu was pretty average for a breakfast place.

It was clean and well maintained inside.

I had an omelette.

My Honey had an egg sandwich.
The food was ok.

We are finally going to look at the land we purchased last year today and it will be our first time seeing it in person so My Honey was quite excited.

The drive between Charlottetown and Summerside is one of the prettiest in all of PEI in my opinion.

We saw lots more For Sale signs along the way.
This place has character and a great view - it is going on the list of possibilities.

The sun shining on the water like that is so beautiful.

We found this seafood place that was still open by Stanley Bridge so we stopped for some lunch.

What a scenic view.

I would be pleased as punch if I could look out on a view like this every day.

I'm sure this place is packed in the summer months, especially out on the deck.

It was a neat looking place inside.

We ordered chowder.

Oysters on the half shell.

I was craving clams so I got them as well.
It was clam strips that I was craving but these were the full clams so not exactly what I was wanting, but, 
it was a nice treat!

Then we were back on the road.
I couldn't get over how beautiful the trees looked in all their autumn splendor.

The sun was shining and that always makes everything look better.

That red PEI dirt, so iconic.

We had trouble finding our land so we had to call the Real Estate agent but he gave us great directions and we were able to locate it straight away after that.

We had to park on the road and walk in and once we got past the tree line I was so impressed.

I knew it was on a river but I was expecting a piddly little stream so I was pleased as punch to see this.
It will be perfect for canoeing on, it's nice and calm and so peaceful.

The trees on the other side were so pretty - I hope whomever owns the property on that side leaves them as is so they will always be our view.

This is looking up the other way.
Just around the bend up there is the ocean.
I didn't realize we were that close.

My Honey is just as impressed as me and already his mind is going imagining all the things we can do here.

It's ours, all ours!!!

We own all the way over to the far tree line plus 7 acres of trees that butt up to the road.
So lots of room.
The hay in the field was high and old so we thought we should get someone in to cut it for us.

This is a shot of it from the sky.
This is the picture that My Honey saw that got him interested to buy it in the first place.
We are so glad that we did.

After we checked out the land, it was time to head to cottage my family had rented for the next two nights.

It was called the Ebbsfleet house because it was in Ebbsfleet.
It was dark by the time we arrived so I couldn't get any pictures of the outside but I'll do that tomorrow.

It had a huge living room area and there is My Auntie C - I was so happy to see her.

They had this cool bed on the first floor.

Another living room area.
This was a sun room that looked out over the ocean although you couldn't see it now that it was dark.

My cousin P, her son B and his girlfriend A.

Her other boy J and his girlfriend D were there as well.
It was my first time meeting D and she seemed like a really nice girl.

We had a bbq and I was stoked to see these buns.
You can't get them in Alberta and I love them.

I think I managed to make a good choice for supper.

Then the snacks came out.
I did really good at refraining from them tonight and had fruit and veggies instead.

I knew that AR was expecting and a little after we got there, she came down in this shirt.
I didn't really think anything of it but then she asked me what I though it meant.
I thought boy or girl?
Then she said "or maybe one of each".

I was taken by surprise for sure - she is having twins, they just found out this week.
I didn't clue in at all.

Even at supper she was saying that she was so hungry and I said "well you are eating for two".
My cousin , TD, said "or not" to which I replied "then one and a half" because I didn't want her to feel bad.
Talk about having to have it spelled out for me!

We got a game of Head's Up going.

I love getting together with my family and playing games.

My Honey played a few games with us.

Chilling in the sun room.

It was nice that there was so much space for everyone to hang out together.

Awww, family love.

These swinging chairs were cool - I'd love to have an indoor swing (and an outdoor one too)!
We spent the evening playing games and cards and just catching up with each other and it was nice.
It was pretty late when we finally headed to bed but I didn't want to miss a thing so I wouldn't go on to bed until everyone else was.

Meanwhile, back home they are hosting a sign making class late in November.
These are the signs you can choose from and I think I might attend.
I like "It's the most wonderful time of the year" one best!

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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