Saturday 10 November 2018

Nova Scotia Autumn In All It's Glory!(Oct.17, 2018)

We were due to land in Halifax just after 6 am but ended up arriving a little early.
I didn't get much sleep but it was an uneventful flight, we didn't meet any turbulence at all so I was thrilled about that.

We picked up our car rental and we headed into Dartmouth.

Our first stop was Tim Horton's for some breakfast.

Then I wanted to take a drive through my old neighbourhood.
I wanted to get a picture of the house I used to live in but there were people on the doorstep next door so I felt weird doing it.
That's my old place though, the blue one to the left hidden behind the tree.

We drove around a little hoping they would leave and we were just in awe of all the gorgeous colors.

Such beautiful reds and oranges everywhere.

We went back by the house an the neighbours were gone so we snapped a few quick shots.
There have been some changes but for the most part, everything looks pretty similar to when I lived there 11 years ago.

I planted that lilac bush in front of the house, I dug it up from my grandmothers yard in PEI and brought it over.

This is the hair place my mother and I used to go to all the time.
It's been moved to a new location.
We drove around a little and checked out my old haunts then we hit the road and headed to my sisters.

The trees are so gorgeous this time of year.
I was the driver so I kept saying to My Honey "look at that tree, it's so beautiful" hoping he would snap a picture but he would just agree until I finally just asked him to snap a few shots, ha ha.

I wanted to take the old highway as it's much more scenic and I thought I new my way but turns out I really didn't.

As soon as we turned on to the old highway, we came across the first of many Farmer's Markets we would see along the way.

Of course we had to go in and check it out.

They had these little sweet tomatos and they were so delicious.

I got a bag and was popping them into my mouth like they were candy.

They had these itty bitty pears too which I'd never seen before so I had to get some of those as well.

They were on the hard side but they still tasted really good.

They had Cortland apples which are my favorite and you can't get them in Alberta so I definitely wanted some of those.

I think maybe the signs were mixed up though because when I tried one later, turns out it was a macintosh.

Pumpkins galore.

Biggest kohlrabi's I've ever seen.
I got one to have for a snack later. 

I've never seen corn like this in Alberta for sale.

There was a pumpkin patch next door but skipped it and got back on the road.

We stopped in Kentville to get a coffee and had a little walk around the town square.

A mural we saw there that I liked.
No surprise there taking into account my love for trees. 

Just look at all those lovely trees.

They had their annual pumpkin people display out so we had to check it out.

This years theme was transportation. 

They really go to a lot of effort for these displays and I love it.

You could get right inside of this if you wanted to - there were some kids there that were loving it. 

I made a new friend.

They had some really cool pieces.

The displays are scattered all throughout the town in different spots so it's fun to drive through and look for them.

I love this big old house and the tree is so lovely.

I didn't realize how much I missed seeing all those colors until I got here.

Kentville is such a nice little town.

Excuse my 800 pictures of trees but I couldn't help myself.

This was in a shop window, similar to the ones I made.
I liked it.

So many reds,

and oranges.

Just look how gorgeous they look when they are all together.

We got back on the road and continued on our way until we ran into another interesting looking farmers market.

They had these fantastic displays made out of bales of hay so we had to check it out. 

My Honey found a new friend too!

Marshmallow guy.

I just love how creative some people are.

I was feeling a little off track by this point because nothing looked familiar to me.
Turns out we were headed in the wrong direction so we got back on track with some directions from the folks at the Farmers Market. 

We were treated to some nice views along the way so I didn't mind that we strayed from our route a little.

I love how this barn is tucked up by the trees and just look how nice and green the grass still is.

We finally arrived at my sisters. It took us a couple hours longer than it should of but oh well.
She is looking awesome.

Tried to get Mr E's picture but he was too busy to stand still.

I got to meet the newest family member - Chaos.

The boys are really into bey blades right now.

They battle each other all day long.

They were so excited to see My Honey

 They couldn't wait to get him in on the battles too.

Just a big kid at heart this guy is!

Lunch time! 

I can't get over how much they've grown.
I sure wish we lived closer so I could see them more often.

Awwww, just look at all the love.

Chaos was busy doing his own thing.

Mr D showed us his Halloween costume.

Time for a rest and to take in some of that heat from the sun. 

We took a trip to the store to get some stuff for supper, I also picked up a dye for my hair, I'm going to get my sister to do it for me tonight.

My sister needed hers done as well so this is the color she chose and I'm going to do hers for her tonight as well.

We had breakfast for supper.
My sister had pancake mix and we added protein powder and flax seeds to it.

The amped up pancakes were a hit. 

We also cooked up some bacon wrapped chicken breast to snack on.
I was still trying to stick to good eating and was doing well at this point.

So long grey! 

I think he's happy that he's off the hook for hair coloring duty this time around.
I did my sister's first. 

Then she did mine.
She gave me a new style too, kind of Princess Lea"ish".

The boys were off to bed since they had school in the morning so we took some pictures with them.
We'll be heading out early in the morning too so we likely won't see them again this trip.
I wish I had more time to spend with them.
Next trip, we will definitely plan to stay in NS longer.

My sister told us to keep an eye on our drinks around Chaos as he really likes water.

I could have shooed him away but I was impressed with how smart he was.

She wasn't kidding, he really does like to drink out of glassses.
He has his own way of doing it but it works.

"Mmm, that's good stuff"

Gray has been obliterated again for a few more months.

I had us booked in for the ferry from NS to PEI tomorrow morning at 11:15.
It's about a 3 hour drive from here.
I've never taken the Wood Islands/Caribou ferry as we don't normally go to that end of the island but there is some land there for sale that we want to look at in Panmure Island and it's much closer if we go that way.

Late in the evening we got a call from the Ferry information saying that the ferry crossings might be cancelled tomorrow because they are expecting high winds.
The final decision wouldn't be made until morning though.
Kind of a bummer because I really want to take the ferry since it will be much faster but if we go that way and it gets cancelled, we will have to back track and we'll add about 4 hours to our trip.
Just going to hope for the best.

I did learn though that the ferry is free to cross.
I paid $78.00 for a guaranteed reservation because I didn't want to miss that crossing but the lady told me that it's never busy this time of year so I called and got them to refund my reservation which they did without question.
Hopefully that doesn't bite us in the butt tomorrow!

So Marijuana is becoming legal in Canada tomorrow and it was all over the news and social media today.

This captures exactly what effect it will have on My Honey & I directly.
We were actually getting tired of hearing about it by the end of the day.

Ha ha - guess I just need to move to another planet to finally reach my weight loss goals.

Ha ha - is this true or what?

I'm not really against folks with peanut allergies but I am TOTALLY against anti-vaxxers.

I have good intentions though!

Getting there.

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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