Monday 12 November 2018

Ebbsfleet House (Oct.20, 2018)

I headed straight to the sun room this morning to check out the view.

It was lovely as expected.

My Honey and I volunteered to cook breakfast this morning so we got to work on the bacon, eggs and pancakes.

It was a yummy breakfast and I made sure to add some fruit to my plate.

After breakfast some people opted to chill together.

We had a rousing game of Bears Vs Babies.
I'd never heard of it before but it was kind of fun.

After the game, My Honey & I went down to the beach to go for a walk.
This is the back of the house, all those windows are the sun room.

The shore was really close to the house.

They had a nice little fire pit area in the back to which would have been nice had the weather been warmer.

This is the same rocky red shore I've been used to seeing all my life on the shore underneath my grandmothers.
It's great for finding sea glass which has become so popular now that it's getting harder to find.
It was super windy out there but still nice for a walk.

It was rough out there too.
We walked down the beach as far as we could one way, then turned back and walked as far as we could the other way.
The rain held off so that was good.

Back at the house, TD, made us some Laksa.
They are currently posted over in Australia and he travels a lot for his job and he discovered it on one of his trips.

It is spicy and coconut base and I knew My Honey would be all about trying it.
It was his first time meeting T&L and I'm glad he got the chance.
Next year we are going to head over to Australia to visit them so now at least he knows them a bit.

My gorgeous sister.
She seems to be happier then when I saw her in England and I am so relieved.
I know she's strong but I worry about her being all alone.
I really am so proud of her.

My Uncle W turned 70 yesterday so mom planned for us to all go to his place today to wish him a Happy Birthday.

My Auntie B got her grandson to show us his Halloween costume.

He makes a pretty handsome clown.

Not sure what Auntie B was doing here?

We got a ride over with L & T.

My cousin P and her crew arrived next.

Then lastly mom & J arrived with the cake.
It was the exact reverse order of how we'd left the house.

Happy 70th!

Looking pretty good for 70 I would say.

Auntie C & Uncle J arrived after church.

Little C is always so happy.

Auntie B is looking shocked because she just saw the ultra sound picture of the twins in AR's belly and she just doesn't believe it!

A boy and his grandpa.

Time for cake.

When all the chairs are taken, you make do.

P's boys have all grown so tall.

My Honey partook of the cake.

She lives just up from the shore so takes lots of walks on the beach.
She has about 10 or so containers like this just full.

We saw these red fields and we just had to pull over to take a picture.

This is just up the street from my grandmothers.

We didn't know what it was but turns out it was wild blueberry bushes.

This is a picture that was posted on Facebook of the field here in Anglo, so amazing.

They also posted this picture of the church in Tignish so I just had to share.

When we got back to the house, someone had decorated for Christmas.

This little driftwood tree is so cute.
I really have a thing for trees.

I really like the little birds in hats and sweaters too.

It was misty outside but still enjoyable to hang out in the sun room.

Then it was time for a game of cards.

A rose between two thorns?
More like the Three Amigos.

We told stories and caught up.

There was an intense game of Ticket to Ride going on in the afternoon.

Oops, caught my sister mid bite.

The swings were like musical chairs, every time you looked, someone else was sitting in them.

Not sure if P was looking up rules or figuring out strategy?

The misty/rainy weather cleared for a bit so My Honey & I took advantage and went for another walk on the beach.

The sun was setting and it was spectacular to see on the water.

I'm so glad he encouraged me to get out and go for another walk.
It was lovely.

This fellow makes my heart so happy.

I had to get one of those shots pensive from behind.

There was a set of stairs built for easy access to the beach which was a great idea.
We never had anything like that when we went to the beach at my grandmothers growing up.

I could walk out here for hours, it's so peaceful and nobody is around.
We found a few more pieces of sea glass to our slowly growing collection.

It was still rough out there but I love the sound of the waves crashing on the shore.
It's so soothing.

It was time for supper when we got back in.

Auntie C made her famous baked beans and I was so excited to be having them.
She was horsing around here, making it look like she was angry (she wasn't).

Everyone was happy to be together.

Big smiles all around.

Just another of the Christmas decorations that I really liked.
Some day I am going to get myself a work shop and make stuff like this all day long.

I liked how they had the fireplace set up.

After supper, some of us retired to the living room.

Got to get those comfy seats before someone else does.

Some of us did the clean up.

Then it was time for pictures.
My Auntie C and cousin D.

Uncle J and Auntie C.
They've always been like my second parents to me my whole life.
Very special people to me.

My Honey & I.

Making funny faces.

Mom was a little behind.
There was a nicer picture of the three of us but I don't have it on my phone.
Down the road if it makes it's way to me, I will post it.

My cousin P and two of her boys, J & B.
The other moved to Ontario recently so couldn't be there with us.

Sisterly love - L, T & P.
T & D were getting a little frisky.

Get a room guys!
Actually - he fell on her but he made it out like he did it on purpose.
He's such a jokester - has such a great sense of humor.
The girls with their parents.

Now add in the grandkids and the significant others.
After the pictures, the food came out again.
I'd like to say that I resisted again tonight but I'd be lying.

Not sure why everyone looks so down in the pictures, we were having a great time?
This must have just been a lull.

After supper, My Honey tried to find a quiet corner to read but turned out it wasn't such a quiet spot after all.

Mom & Auntie B.
I could tell by the smiles on their faces that they were planning something.

They did an impromptu dance performance for us all.
We had a good laugh.

So did mom - it's so good to hear her laugh - it reminds me of her before the Stroke.

The parents - looks like they are all being so proper here.

As usual, that soon turned to silliness.
I love that we have so much fun when we all get together.

We got into the Indian Leg Wrestling.
(I am not sure why we call it that, we just always have).
My Uncle P used to get us to do this all the time at my Grandmother's on the kitchen floor, we would have championships.
Auntie B and Cousin T were the first battle.
I think B won that one.

Then T had a battle against D and she lost again.

D flipped her over like she was a wet Kleenex.

Then T had her last battle against her honey G - she was finally victorious.

One last battle between J & B.
B won again - I think that makes her the champion of the evening.

Then it was back to playing board games in the sun room.

They are very serious about their game playing!
I played cards which is another favorite past time for my family when they get together.
It's really the only time that I play.
We had a great evening just being together and I wish we could do it more often.
I stayed up until the bitter end again because I just didn't want the visit to end.
Tomorrow morning we'll be packing up and leaving and I don't know how long it will be until I see everyone again.

Meanwhile, Baby F is growing up more and more every day.

I love that serious little face so much.

She went on a play date with a friend.....

Or three.
It's like a baby explosion there.
All the moms are friends too so it's really nice that these littles will grow up together.

Also having some tummy time which she doesn't love but she at least tolerates.

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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