Sunday 11 November 2018

Playing Tourist in PEI (Oct.18, 2018)

We were up and on the road early like we planned after saying good bye to my sister.
She'll be heading to PEI tomorrow anyway so I'll see her again then.

The weather looked promising and the tree colors were just as gorgeous as ever.
We made our way to Truro which was where we had to make the decision on which way we planned on heading.
We stopped for a coffee and called the Ferry Information service.
They said they would know more at 9:30 am so we hung around and waited to call back.
There was a Winners in the mall there so we wandered around a bit.
Ended up finding a really nice giant pot on sale so I bought it!
It's pretty light so it won't weigh our luggage down and I can stuff clothes inside it so I don't think it will be a problem to get home.

When we called back at 9:30 they told us that they couldn't be sure about the 11:15 but so far it was running so we took a chance and headed in the direction of the ferry.

I have so many memories of lining up at the ferry when I was young and we'd head to PEI for vacation (the other ferry though which has now been replaced by Confederation Bridge).

Sometimes there would be so many cars waiting for the ferry that we'd have to wait for a few crossings until we'd actually make it onto the ferry.
Those times we would run up and down the aisles of cars looking at the licence plates to see all the interesting places the cars had come from.
I'd always be amazed to see plates from New York, California and Maine just to name a few.
I wondered how people from so far away knew about this little island that I loved so much and I was so proud that they would drive all the way to come visit.

Our extended family from NB would be headed there too and we'd always hope that we would end up on the same ferry together and often we did.
We'd have so much fun exploring the ferry together and counting the giant jellyfish in the water as we made the crossing.

There were barely any cars waiting to get on today so the reservation that I'd made really wasn't necessary.
I'm glad I cancelled it and got my money back.

Striking a pose!

I'd buy any magazine that put this handsome face on the cover.

Time to board.

I was doing the driving and I was a little nervous to drive down into the underground section that they made us go into but it turned out all right.

As soon as we got on board, we went exploring.

And then we were on our way.

It was a little windy out on deck but I still love standing out there.

If they weather had been nicer, I'm sure this place would have been packed with people.

I'm not sure why this picture doesn't capture the colors of the trees properly but they looked beautiful.

This little cottage tucked in among the trees was darling.

We checked out the cafeteria.
We wanted lobster rolls but they were all out.

So we settled for seafood chowder.
It was thick and creamy and really tasty..

After we ate, we headed upstairs to a different section of the boat and found a place to sit.
There was a group of ladies sitting in the cafeteria that were freaking out every time we hit a big wave and it was making me nervous - I wanted to get away from them.

We didn't sit long, we preferred to stand and watch.

It's a good thing we came inside because it started to get a bit rough and next thing you know, the dry window was suddenly soaked.

One minute you'd see this.

Then we'd hit a wave and it would break over the whole front of the boat.
I took a few videos trying to capture the moment when we'd hit a wave and I think I got a few good ones.
It was a little scary but fun too - I never felt like we were in any danger.
Weird because if we'd hit turbulence like that in a plane I would have been freaking out inside.

The ferry crossing took about an hour and fifteen minutes so it wasn't long before we could see the ferry terminal in PEI.

Saw a gorgeous light house too.
I love light houses!

It settled down a little so we went back out on deck to get some pictures.

That wind was cold though so I went back in.
My Honey can handle the cold better than I (I tease him sometimes that he's part polar bear) so he stayed out there as long as he could until they sent us back to our vehicles.

We made it to PEI!
Just in time too - I overheard some of the ferry staff talking and they cancelled the crossings for the rest of the day!

Even though the skies were grey, I was happy to be there and exploring a new part of the Island that I'd never been to before.

The sun was trying to break through the clouds.

We came across lots of land for sale so we kept stopping to check them out.

The water front ones had such nice views.

The back up camera on the vehicle needed a cleaning so My Honey took care of that.

Saw some giant Inukshuks.

It started to hail/snow for a minute - It didn't stick thankfullly!

Passed a winery with a gorgeous barn.
Love, love, love those giant doors.

Love old houses like these, they have so much character.

Stopped at a gas station to fuel up and this was the view we were treated to there.

It was so beautiful - I could have just hung out there in the gas station parking lot and had a picnic.

What a view these folks have.

Another gorgeous old place - the color is awesome!

We made our way to Panmure Island and straight away saw this lovely old lighthouse.

What a great spot.

Apparently they do weddings here.

Discovered that it is the oldest wooden lighthouse on PEI.

There were grapes growing all along this fence - My Honey had to try them out.

Our ride this trip.

These folks had a beautiful garden.

We had trouble finding the land we'd specifically come to look at but found lots of other spots for sale.
Wouldn't this be a great one?

We pulled over at one point to try to get our bearings and this car pulled up to ask if we needed help.
It was this sweet elderly lady and when we told her we were looking at land, she said to follow her.
She was selling her place (450 grand so not for us) and had just bought a piece of land to build something smaller on so she knew all about what real estate was available in the area.
She jumped in her car and sped off so we zoomed of behind her.

This was one of the spots she took us too.
Eileen was her name and she was on a mission.

We had to struggle to keep up!

It was a lovely spot though.

The water was so calm and it had a really nice beach area.

She took us to several different spots - she was so helpful and knowledgeable and friendly.
The final spot she took us to was where she had purchased her new spot.
It was all wooded but not far from the water.

We thanked her for all her help and parted ways here.
It was just a testament to how wonderful folks from the Maritimes are.

Side Note - we weren't positive but we think we saw the land we actually came here to look at beside one of the places Eileen took us too and we didn't like it at all.
But it wasn't wasted because she showed us some that we are interested in and considering.

Aww, what a cute idea for a mailbox.

The trees made the drive a really enjoyable one.

Another lovely grand old house.

Some of the trees were shades of different colors and it looked so cool.

PEI has some beautiful old churches too, like this one.

We made it to Charlottetown later in the afternoon and I have plans on going here for an ice cream later, can't wait.

My Honey booked us a special room at this fancy hotel across the street from Confederation Center.
They had this water station in the lobby for guests which is normal.

However, they also had a water station for four legged guests which I'd never seen before.

The hotel clerks were raving about our suite, said there were only two like it in the hotel, so I was excited to see what it looked like.

It was a nice modern suite so the room itself wasn't overly stunning to me but the views were fabulous.

This is the theater we saw Dear John Deere at a few years back.

Charlottetown is a charming little city and we just love it here.

I would live here in a heartbeat.

We dropped of our luggage then headed out to explore.

We really wanted to check out this place.

It's in the little boardwalk area of Charlottetown.

There are some great little shops down here but now that tourist season is over, they are all closed up.

Luckily this place was still open.
According to the internet, they have the best lobster rolls so we just had to try them out.

It was just a tiny little place, not much of a kitchen.

They had some nice artwork.

Paying homage to the lobster.

The rolls came with chips and I picked the sweet potato ones.
They weren't really my thing.
Normally I like sweet & salty together but this didn't work for me.

Hmm, what flavor did he get?
Looks like he didn't like them but he did.

We tried to different types of rolls.
The hot one that came with chives and butter.

Then the regular which was cold lobster with mayo and chives.
They were both really good.
Not a full meal though, I considered it more of an appetizer so afterwards we searched for a place to have supper.

Unfortunately a lot of the restaurants in town close down after tourist season so our first couple choices ended up being closed.
We didn't give up though and finally found this spot.

It was just hopping in there.
They put us at the bar to wait for a table to come free.

I love the exposed beams in here, even if they just put them up for show.

It was dark so my pictures didn't turn out the greatest but here they are anyway.
I had the kale slaw for a starter, it was good.

My Honey had the burger - it was tasty too.

I had pecan crusted haddock and it was just delicious.

Even though I was full by this point, I saw that they had sticky toffee pudding on their dessert menu and I just had to try it.
So glad I did because it was delightful.

My Honey had the apple pie but the apple wasn't cooked all the way through.
I'm not sure if it was meant to be al dente?
I do like my pasta and some veggies to be on the al dente side but it didn't work for apple pie (in my opinion).

All in all, I enjoyed our meal immensely.
I saw an old boss of mine there from when I worked at Hermes in NS years and years ago.
I think he recognized me as well but we didn't speak or anything.
He was a boss after all and the bosses didn't mingle with us regular folk back at that job.
It was kind of bad for that.

As full as I was, I was still looking forward to enjoying a Cows Ice Cream.
They have the best ice cream and flavors I've ever had, hands down and they are very few locations to get it so I wasn't passing up the chance.

Turns out they were closed when we got there and I was sooo disappointed!

Our hotel room did have this wonderful tub.

I just had to give it a try.

They gave us a free 15 minute massage when we checked in so I looked up the hours and I am going to try to pop in and take advantage of that in the morning before we leave.
I've been enjoying our trip so far and really looking forward to seeing all of my family tomorrow night!

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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