Tuesday 13 November 2018

Home Sweet Home! (Oct.23, 2018)

Well our quick trip home to PEI has come to an end.
Our flight was scheduled to depart at 7:45 am so we figured we needed to get to the airport by 6:30 at the latest.
We managed to accomplish that, returning the car was a breeze and there was a bit of a line up through security but not too bad.
We were really hungry and there was a Tim Horton's just inside the terminal but the line up there was so long that we just skipped it.
They pretty much started boarding our plane as soon as we got to our gate.
We all sat in a row together which was nice.
Mom likes the window so she had that and I just played games on my ipad the whole time.
We were in row 17 so by the time the got to us, there were no more sandwiches left which was kind of annoying.
They always seem to run out so unless you are in the first few rows, you will most likely be out of luck.
We were due to land at 10:09 am Edmonton time but were on the ground just before 10 am.
It was a beautiful day in Edmonton, the snow is all melted, it was so nice.
We got our bags and the shuttle took us over to get the truck.
Our first stop was White Spot for some breakfast.

I had an omelette - I ordered the salmon and goat cheese one but ended up with the bacon and broccoli.
She offered to have it remade but I told her not to worry about it and just ate what I had.
It was a good breakfast.

My Honey's breakfast looked really tasty.
From there we made a stop at Walmart to get some groceries.
I emptied the fridge before we left so knew we needed a few things.
After that, we stopped at Ricki's so I could get a gift card for BH, it was her birthday yesterday and us girls at the office will be taking her out for lunch when I get back.
They had some sales on so I picked up a few tops and a cardigan.
I didn't bother to try them on, I'll do that once I get home.
Our final stop was Addition Elle so I could return mom's sweater then we hit the road in the direction of home. 
We did make another stop at IGA in Barrhead.
We wanted to pick up a pumpkin.
I wanted a white one and they even had some there.
We got a few snacks too then were back on the road.

This has got to be the biggest road repair project in the history of the world.

I think it turned into more of a job than they expected.
I would probably be sick if I knew how much of our tax dollars have been spent here.

There still appears to be no end in sight either - what a schmozzle.
We got home around 4 pm which was nice.
We put the groceries away, I unpacked and then I just vegged on the couch.

I think he missed me.
I did get lots of kitty cuddles though.
He gave me lots of kisses.
He laid down on the couch with me and that's where he stayed.
My baby.
I really wanted to see my other baby but I was really tired.
By 8:30 I was falling asleep so I just stopped fighting to stay awake and went to bed!

More Halloween costume ideas on Facebook - this one was cute!
That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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