Tuesday 13 November 2018

Another Trip Comes To An End! (Oct.22, 2018)

One of T's kitties came by to let me know it was time to get up and to give me cuddles this morning.

My Honey wanted to take one more trip back to our property to check it out and to get the information from the For Sale sign we saw next to it yesterday.
This is walking into the property.

This is looking out toward where the river flows in from the ocean.

I just really liked the orange and red trees across the water.

The hay is pretty high but we will just leave it for now.

The lord of the land.

We are both so pleased with this property which is great seeing as we purchased it without ever seeing it in person.

My Honey walked around the whole property line, into the wooded area to see what kind of trees we have in there.
After he had a really good look around and got the information from the For Sale sign next door, we headed to O'Leary for a snack.
I was still craving clam strips and I was determined to get them.

There was a little place in O'Leary that was open that my Auntie A had recommended so we went there.

I'm so happy to be getting my clams!

They had these home made cinnamon buns at the counter so I got one for dessert but ended up eating it while we were waiting for our food.
It was so fresh and soft and doughy and delicious.
The clams hit the spot.

We can't come to PEI without an order of Fries with the Works so we shared an order of those too.
Then we headed back to pick mom up at J&C's.
We visited for a little then we hit the road for Dartmouth.
Our flight leaves super early from the Halifax airport tomorrow morning so we are going to stay in a hotel room there tonight.
We took the bridge back this time.
While I was driving, My Honey was contacting the Real Estate Agent.
Turns out there are another 11 acres right next to the 17 that we previously purchased so we decided to go ahead an buy it.
We made an offer, it was accepted and now the paper work part can commence.
If you don't live in PEI and you are buying more than 5 acres, you have to submit a request and it takes a bit.
There is the potential that it could be denied as well but we are keeping our fingers crossed.
My Honey got us a room near the airport so we checked in then went in to Dartmouth to find a place for some supper.
We decided on Robert's pizza and donair.
Just waiting on our supper.

I wasn't impressed with the donair there at all this time.
They give you a ton of meat but it was flavorless, no spice to it at all.
I dunked it in the sweet donair sauce that I love so much but there was no way I could have finished it and this was a small.
After we ate it was back to the hotel to rearrange luggage.
My sister had sent a bunch of hand me downs for Mr H and we had to rearrange the suitcases to make everything fit and be under weight.
We think we got it covered though.
It's been a quick trip but I am so thankful that we were able to come and see everyone.
I missed visiting a few relatives that I would have liked to have seen but we simply ran out of time.
Next time!

Back at home, this little miss turned 2 months old today.

This little serious look of hers cracks me up.

Oh, there's a good smile!

It almost looks like she is holding hands with the bunny.

Such a little doll - I just love her so much my heart feels like it could burst.

Selfie with mommy.

Aww, another smile.

She likes to lay on her back it seems.

More grins.

I love the dress she is wearing - so darling.

I think her mommy did a great job taking these pictures.

Another close up of my sweetheart.
Can never have too many of those.
Well that is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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