Monday 12 November 2018

A Visit With PP! (Oct.21, 2018)

I woke up to a pajama party going on in the room next door.

This place had so much room, it was awesome.

It's looking much nicer out there today.
My Honey and I went for one last walk along the shore.

My cousin P has gotten really into making t-shirts and this is one of the sites she uses to get pictures and graphics.

The girls being all cozy.

Then just like that, we were packing up and it was time to go.
I am so thankful that we got to spend this weekend together.
It was a lot of fun and I can't wait to do it again.

We left there and headed to my friend PP's place.
I hadn't told her I was coming so it was going to be a surprise.
Only when we got there, nobody was around even though her truck was there and a little red car was there as well.
We looked in her house, in all her barns and then back in the woods but we couldn't find her.
We walked back to the house and I saw her dog Gus go running into the woods so I knew she was there then.
We went back into the woods to find her.
Meanwhile, she thought it was her sister so was hiding from her to scare her so we both ended up being surprised in the end.

Gus remembered us and was happy to see us.

PP is just loving her life here and it shows.
She is happy and content and as much as I miss her, I am equally glad for her.
Someday we will move back here and we can resume our visiting schedule.

We visited for a bit.
Took in some of the craft work her talented sister does.

Love the PEI map in her kitchen.

My Honey wanted to head back to look at our property again today and PP said she would like to come see it so she followed us.
We stopped at my auntie A's place as her hubby is a farmer so he was going to come have a look at the property as well and potentially find a farmer to cut the hay for us.

So a three car convoy headed to our property.
My mom, sister, Auntie A, Uncle A and cousin K and PP all came out to see the land.
They liked it as much as we did.
My Uncle suggested leaving the hay as is for now though to discourage folks from using the land and he's right so we are just going to take his advice.

While we were there, we noticed a For Sale sign that seemed to be for the land next door.
We didn't get the information though.

From there I said my good byes to PP and she headed back home and we headed to My Auntie A's for supper. 

She has some of her Christmas stuff up already.

My Uncle A took My Honey out with him to do chores and the rest of us hung out.

A & K worked on supper and refused to let us help.

My Aunt picked up this on a Buy & Sell, I like it.

She found this one too - I like it even more.

Her grandson J and his mom & dad dropped over for a visit.
She also got this dancing, singing Santa for little J and he loved going over and turning the button on.

He is just the cutest.

He was really entertained by the Santa but I think the rest of us were beginning to wish the batteries would die, ha ha!

He found a remote and was talking on it like it was his cell phone.

He checked out his Auntie's social media for a bit.
Kids sure love phones don't they?

Then it was time for supper.

What a mischievous little look.

That little smile just lights up his whole face.

We helped ourselves to supper.

Little J preferred to sit with his dad.

We had a turkey dinner and it was delicious.

From there we headed to C&J's

We all retired to the living room and just visited.

The kitties joined us.

I kind of started one of J's daily crosswords and I felt kind of bad about it.
He was all good though.

I went upstairs and help LD wrap some Christmas presents.
Her daughter is coming here to PEI for Christmas from Australia so she did shopping for her already so she wouldn't have to ship gifts over.

It wasn't a very late night - everyone tucked in and ready for bed.

They'll never be cold, they have a ton of blankets.

Mom is all tucked in snug as a bug in a rug too!

T gave up her room for My Honey & I which was kind of her.
I think I fell to sleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.

Miss M posted a lovely picture of her and Miss A.

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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