Wednesday 7 November 2018

Off to PEI (Oct.16, 2018)

I was up early raring to go this morning.
Going on trips gets me excited!!
I weighed in when I got to work just to take stock of where I am and I was down a little from yesterday.
I was 257.8.
This really makes me want to eat clean when I go on vacation because it's been such hard work to get here.
I don't want all that effort to be wasted.
Work was fairly busy, it always seems to be when I am leaving for a few days.
 I like to make sure that everything on my desk is taken care of so I don't leave any loose ends.
My email and my desk are both usually filled back up when I get back so I don't want to leave anything extra to add to that pile.

The weather outside today is just gorgeous, look at the sun shining in through my office window.

The snow has all melted and nice weather is expected for the next few days.
Unfortunately, that is not the case for NS and PEI, they are expecting some drizzly weather the next few days but I am not going to let that ruin my trip.

We had coffee break again this morning at 10.
It is becoming a "thing" and everyone looks forward to it.

For lunch I had my usual, salad kit with chicken breast.
I cleaned out the fridge somewhat at lunch and got rid of all the things that could potentially spoil over the next week.

The afternoon slowed down a little at work.
I got all caught up then because I started early this morning, I left a bit early.
I wanted to get a visit in with Baby F.
She was just chilling on the floor when I arrived.

Of course I scooped her up immediately.
By the look on her face I'm not so sure she is too happy about it.

She had the cutest little socks on that looked like little shoes.

I couldn't stay long so I cuddled her a bunch then gave her back to her mommy.

Looks like she was about to get a nap in anyway.

My boy- smiling as usual.
He makes my heart happy!

My Honey is going to get off early then we are heading straight to the city.
We have a couple of stops to make and we really don't have a whole lot of time.
Our flight leaves at 10:50pm and it's pretty much a three hour drive to the airport.

We hit the road on time and I convince My Honey to leave it on my station for a while.
I found a new song I liked.

This massive construction project still looks nowhere near completion.
It must be costing a pile of money.

Checking in was a breeze, we sailed right through and had plenty of time to grab a bit to eat.
So we hit up Chili's

So smiley when we are off on an adventure.

I got my virgin caesar - yum yum.

My Honey ordered a chicken burger.

I ordered from the Guiltless part of the menu.

A Margarita Grilled Chicken dish.
It was good except super spicy so I couldn't finish it.

We boarded the plane and were up and away on time.
I'm hoping to get a few winks in tonight but have my trusty ipad full of games just in case that doesn't happen.

So many great DIY ideas, maybe one of these days I will actually get around to making some of them.

Just about!

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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