Tuesday 13 November 2018

Farewell RA! (Oct.24, 2018)

Even though I went to bed so early and managed to fall asleep right away too, I was still tired when I got up for work this morning.
I felt a little better after I showered but I easily could have stayed in bed for a few more hours.
It is so dark when I go to work now, yuck!

I caught up with SG when I got to work then tried to get caught up on emails and the stuff on my desk.
I weighed in first thing to assess the damage..

I was up which I expected.
I was 6.6 lbs up from what I weighed in at the day we left.

So I have a bit to go just to get back where I was but I am determined to get right back at it starting today.

10 am coffee is still going strong, I almost forgot about it, they had to call to remind me but I'm glad they did.

We were having a Farewell lunch for RA today so around 11:30 I headed to the store to pick up our lunch order.

We had crispy chicken, potato salad, buns and a cake.

We also ordered a few dishes from the Chinese food place here in town but those we had delivered.
Lunch was nice.

We weren't expecting many guys from the field to show up but they just kept trickling in.

I was glad they did though, I always feel bad if the attendance for these kind of things is low.
I picked up a salad for myself then I also had a piece of chicken, some shrimp and some ginger beef.

I skipped all the carb stuff, including the cake.

I did help hand it around to everyone else.

We sat around and told stories of the old times like we often do at these events.

It's really nice to get together with the people I work with in that kind of a setting.


Just busy eating so they can get back to the field.
What's the hurry guys?

I was really pleased with our turnout.
We had people we don't see in the office that much which was great.

We even had a couple people show up that I hadn't even met before.

These guys didn't even eat - just came in to say good bye!

RA left pretty much right after work.
It's so strange to know that this person I see and talk to almost every day will not be around anymore and the chances of me ever seeing him again are really slim.

We become really close to the people we work with, I mean, we spend just as much time with them as we do with our real families so it is sad when folks leave.
He is quite happy though, he could retire but he is going to another job and he is really looking forward to it.
I wish him all the best.

Work this afternoon was just as busy.
I was able to make it through my personal email but I still have a shared inbox that I didn't get to so that will be on the agenda for tomorrow.

My son called to see if they could pop over to visit after work and of course I was thrilled.
I had planned on heading over there so this will be just as good.

I waited a while and they weren't showing up so I gave him a call.
Turns out he got called out to work but he was on his way home at that point so still planned on coming over.

I made a salad kit with chicken on it for supper.
I started getting pictures downloaded from my trip.
Of course I didn't do any blogging while we were away so now I'll need to play catch up.
I can do it!

Did get a picture of the mug my Aunt & Uncle picked up at Graceland for me.

My Uncle A said he had to wait in line a heck of a long time to get it signed by Elvis but it was worth it.
Ha ha!
It really was so thoughtful of them to pick it up for me and I'm so grateful.

My son ended up calling me back to say they weren't coming.
Baby F had shots today and she was fussy.
They finally got her to sleep and didn't want to wake her up.

I was bummed because I really wanted to see her and they are going to Barrhead for a couple of days so I won't be able to see her until Saturday now.

We are heading to the city on Saturday to celebrate BH's birthday so I won't be able to see Baby F then but first thing Sunday morning I will be heading over there.

I brought leftovers home for My Honey so I he would have some supper without me having to cook.
Turns out they ordered them all supper so now he'll have lunch for tomorrow.
I got caught up on some of my shows but by 8:30 I was feeling really sleepy again so I just headed off to bed.

I love the little play on words here.

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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