Friday 28 April 2017

Weekend is Getting Close

It was another cold day out today.
It is supposed to warm up on the weekend so all I can say is "bring on the weekend"!

Not much to report today.
One of the girls at the office had a birthday today so we took her out to lunch.
Turned out it was Adminstrator Apreciation week also so our foreman came too and bought us all lunch.
He is such a nice guy.

I have been following weight watchers, staying within my daily points and I am feeling good about that.
The swelling on my ankles has gone down considerably.
Just for comparison, this was when I got home on Monday.

And this is today, 3 days later.

I didn't have any other pictures from today so I thought I would do a Throwback Thursday but with some inspiring pictures for myself.
These were taken on a weekend trip we took to BC 4 years ago.
I was working out everyday
I had a Body Media band back then and I would probably still have one today if it didn't involve a monthly payment.

I worked really hard to get down to the size I was here so I know I can do it again.

Everywhere you look in BC the views are just stunning.
The weather was gorgeous that whole weekend too.

My "serious" look! 

This was taken in Nova Scotia that same year.
I was looking good!

And just because I love it so much I had to add this picture of my nephew Mr.D a few years back.

I love how happy he looks - she really captured a great moment here (my sister)!
Love him!

Until next time, be happy!

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