Friday 28 April 2017

Happy Hump Day

It was COLD outside today, also very grey and dreary looking.
All the men from the office went to a safety meeting in St. Albert today so it was a quiet day at the office for us girls.

When My Honey got home from work Professor Snuggles was sitting in his spot on the couch like he owned it.
He stayed like this for a while too, he wasn't giving up his spot.

My Honey, my mom & I all watched a movie tonight..

I normally love all things JFK but not this time.
Jackie seemed very dark & down & angry.  I know she just lost her husband so of course that is likely how she was feeling but the whole movie just had a darkness to it.

I was disappointed, mom & My Honey both liked it so as they say, to each their own.

Other than that it was an ordinary, uneventful day.

Until next time, be happy.

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