Sunday 30 April 2017

Birthday Supper

Since I was able to sleep in this morning, of course I woke up at 6:30am and couldn't go back to sleep.

So I got up and did dishes, cleaned the kitchen and did a few loads of laundry.
Also had time to have some breakfast, a coffee and enjoy an episode of Fixer Upper before the girls arrived to pick me up at 9:30am.

We were right on time this morning, at the last minute I decided to stop back at my place and change into flip flops because I was expecting it to be really nice in the city and I am glad I did because it was.

We stopped at A&W half way there for a snack.  They had a breakfast wrap that was only 220 calories so I opted for that.  It had ketchup on it which was kind of weird but it was good.

What a difference in Edmonton compared to here weather wise.
We still have snow every where and in Edmonton it is truly spring, the grass is green and the sun was shining.  I kind of wanted to just stay there.

We went straight to West Edmonton Mall and first thing I saw was this
Punch Buggy Black!
My Honey & I always play the punch buggy game so whenever I see one it makes me think of him!
We shopped around the mall a little because we were early for the movie.

We stopped at Old Navy and I got a few things,
a t-shirt dress, workout pants, two tops,

and my favorite jogging capris.

I have a pair that are a few years old and they are starting to get holes in the thighs so I found them just in time.
All this was only $120!

I like Old Navy because they have reasonable prices and they have clothes that fit me.
I don't like anything to be snug so right now I am buying XXL.

By my next birthday I will be out of the X's!

Made it to the movie in plenty of time. 
At first the kiosk said next showing of this movie May 3rd.
Tried again and it worked so not sure what was up with that.
Got a water and a small popcorn - no butter or flavored seasonings this time.
I didn't want to skip the popcorn altogether but wanted to make the best choices that I could as far as calories.

I saw the trailer for this and wanted to see it right away.
It did not disappoint - such a great movie and a bit of a tear jerker, scratch that, it was a HUGE tear jerker.
I could hear people blubbering all around me - I was just a blubbering too!

After the movie we decided to try out the virtual ride.  I'd been wanting to do it in Vegas but didn't get a chance.

I choose the Roller Coaster one

and my two friends chose the Zombie one where you actually go around shooting zombies.

My one friend has motion sickness quite bad and even though it was only a 7-8 minute ride, she was looking quite green at the end.
That would really suck - there are so many things that you would have to avoid because of it.

We passed a frozen yogurt place on the way out and I couldn't resist.
I almost forgot to take a picture until it was almost all gone.
I tried to stay away from the chocolate toppings and chose the little flavor balls & fruit.
It was Y-U-M-M-Y!

We had made a reservation at Chop Steakhouse so we headed over there.
We were a little early and the place was empty but by the time we left it was jam packed so I am grateful that we made a reservation.

I always seem to notice the light fixtures and today was no exception.
Kind of a cool one.

Ms.N & Ms.S

Ms. B & I

We couldn't decide if we wanted just appetizers or entrees so just ended up getting both.

This guacamole, crab, salsa fresco dip sounded better than it tasted.
They also gave us fresh bread for the table with softened whipped butter and it was delicious.
It is a pet peeve of mine when a restaurant gives you nice fresh bread and rock hard butter!

Onion rings with garlic, lemon aioli.
The coating on the onion rings was crunch, tasty & it held up very well.
The aioli was a delicious too.

They also had roast beef, potato, sour cream soup so we had to try it.
It just tasted like a bowl of gravy but like the best gravy you ever tasted!  Soooo Gooood!

Ms. N had the spicy shrimp.

I had the salmon which came with pesto, butternut squash and fresh green beans.
I was already kind of full from the appetizers so I barely touched it.
That's ok though - I had it wrapped up to take home for My Honey and he will appreciate it.

Because it was my birthday they gave me a free dessert.  It was only a tiny little piece that we all shared but the presentation was lovely.

When they brought out the bill they also gave me this,

a birthday card signed by the staff there and a free appetizer for next time that I go in.
How thoughtful, I have never seen a restaurant do that before.

After supper we headed home.
The closer we got to home, the more snow we were seeing but it had gone down a lot since we left this morning.

We got home around 9 pm which is a decent hour for us. 
We used to leave at 7am and not get home until 1pm.
We just don't have the energy to do that anymore.

There were tons of deer out on the road tonight too so I am just as happy that it was still light out and we could see them.  Dodging deer in the dark is exhausting.

I quite enjoy our birthday dinner trips. 
The best part is the conversation in the vehicle on the 2+ hour drive each way.

I watched another episode of Fixer Upper (PVR is a great invention) before heading to bed.
It was a great day and I look forward to sleeping in a bit tomorrow.

Until next time, be happy!

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