Tuesday, 18 December 2018

Organization Makes Me Feel So Good! (Nov.10, 2018)

I got up when My Honey left for work this morning.
I made myself a coffee and found myself a Christmas movie to watch.
The Holiday Calendar.
It was ok.

It did give me a great idea though to get a really nice advent calendar for Baby F that she can keep for years to come.
I liked the one they had on the show and I searched to see if I could find one for sale.
I found something similar but think I'm going to keep looking.

I made a "to do" list of things I wanted to accomplish today then I got to it.
I got laundry started, dishes washed and put away, sweeping and vacuuming done.
I got my beautiful new wreath I bought put up.

I had started some wooden Christmas Trees last year and I packed them away in the closet of my craft room so I wanted to get them out and finish them up this year.
My desk in there was overflowing again too so I wanted to clean it up.

I got that all done and my office is looking so good right now.
It's so much easier to work that way.
I stopped and had leftover chili for lunch.

I got all the trees set up on the table so I can get to painting them.
Then I got a couple of blog posts done.
That was the biggest thing I wanted to get done and I didn't get as much done as I wanted but I got a start.

I started another Christmas movie but didn't get to finish it.
I'll watch the rest in the morning.

By the time My Honey got home from work I had pretty much everything checked off my list which felt great.

He & I watched some of The Block before heading to bed.
I only have 2 more episodes of it left so I am hoping I can knock those out tomorrow.
Ha ha ha - that comment is everything!
(I'm not really against chasing waterfalls over wifi - the comment was just a clever reference and I love cleverness).
That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

A Visit With Courtney & Her Girls (Nov.9, 2018)

I weighed in when I got to work and I was down but not back to where I was last week.
258.2 lbs.
It's so hard, I work all week to get down then I have one bad day on the weekend and I'm right back to where I was.
It was a busy morning - I knew that I would be leaving in the afternoon for the funeral and I had a lot of stuff that I wanted to get done.
Also, CT came to visit with her girls.
She is the one we did the Color Run for this year.
I hadn't seen her since that day and she was looking so tired and frail.
My heart just goes out to them.
She is starting a new treatment next week and I hope it goes well for her.

Her girls are so adorable.

We were keeping them busy.

The newest receptionist.
They were having a great time stamping things and whiting things out.

Funny what things will entertain kids.
I told them to come to my office so they could get a treat from my candy dish so they did.
The littlest on gave me a big hug and said thank you.
Then she came back to my office about six more times before they left saying "I just need one more hug".
OMG - what a little love bug she is.
I pray that this treatment goes well and that they have years and years left to spend with their mom.
After they left, I ran up to the community center to make sure my Ipod worked on the sound system there.
Mom and her friend, DM, where there helping SV with the food.
I went back to the office and worked through lunch and right until 1:45 then headed up the funeral which started at 2 pm.
There were a lot of people there which was not surprising as BP was a well respected man.
NCT did the eulogy and she did a great job - it was very touching.
Her brother is causing her a lot of grief over money and stuff so it felt very un-Christian like but when he did his eulogy I just could feel no sympathy for him.
That's awful I know but I couldn't help myself.
His antics are the last thing NCT needs right now and it's causing her so much extra stress on top of everything else she has to deal with.
After the service, I helped put out the food and also with the clean up.
It was 5:30 when we finally headed home.
Mom was dog tired and so was I.
There was way too much food prepared so I ended up taking a lot of it home.
Chili for days and sandwiches too.
I had a bowl of chili and vegged on the couch for the rest of the evening.
I tried to get caught up on The Block.
I'm almost there.
That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

Perspective Changes Everything. (Nov.8, 2018)

When I got to work, I got started right away on running my month end reports.
I should have had them sent out by now but I've been so busy that I haven't been able to get to them.
Of course other things kept popping up so I didn't get them done as quickly as I liked.
Everyone met for coffee break and I was able to make it today.
I had to leave right on time though because I had a meeting scheduled.
I've been having a lot of meetings lately and they sure use up time.

By lunch I was feeling like I was getting nowhere with my month end reports so I went home, grabbed a salad kit and took it back to work with me.
BH & SV were concerned about NCT because memorial service planning isn't as far along as perhaps it should be by this point.
So they are helping out, SV is going to take over the food preparation and BH is going to help make a power point slide show.
I offered to make a giant roaster of chili as well.
I'd like to go over early the day of the funeral to help but I'm feeling swamped at work and am not sure if I'll be able to get away.
I worked hard at my reports and was able to get them done by the end of the day.
However, when I went to send them out, the filters on the spreadsheets would not work.
I was so deflated.
I tried everything to fix them, even ran one of them again but no luck.
By the end of the day I gave up and closed them out.
I am hoping when I come back in the morning they will magically be working.
NCT and her hubby, KT, dropped by the office with pictures of her dad for the slide show.
BH was making it for them and I helped take pictures of the pictures she had brought in.
I did it once before and it's much easier than scanning them and cropping and all that that involves.
This is her dad and her mom.

Her mom and dad again with her son.
She has lost both of her parents now - it's a reminder to the rest of us to be thankful for the loved ones we are still fortunate enough to have with us.
We sat in BH's office for an hour working at it.
Afterwards, I stopped at the store to pick up the ingredients for chili.
SV was making a pot at the community center but I needed to go home to have access to all my spices.
I got an electric roaster from her then went home at got started.
I also found some instrumental music that would be good background music for the memorial service and downloaded it.
I was still making it when My Honey arrived home.
I hadn't even eaten any supper yet.
He cooked up a frozen pizza.  It was the thick crust kind and it looked so good.
I had to have a little conversation with myself because I really wanted some.
I feel like I've been being so careful about what I have been eating and I'm not really getting anywhere so why bother.
Also, we are heading out on vacation again next week so I might as well just eat what I want from now until I get back since it's going to be bad anyway.
But that is the kind of thinking that gets me in trouble.
So I talked myself over that.
Instead, I had a little bowl of the chili and I cut a sliver off of one slice of pizza to satisfy my craving for it and it did the trick.
After supper, we took the pot of chili down to the community center and put it in the fridge there.
SV will take care of warming it up tomorrow.
It was 9:30 by then so we got home and hit the hay.

I look much thinner from this angle - if I could just always be seen from this angle then I would feel much better about my weight.
Perspective makes such a difference.

More ideas to add to my "to try" list for when I get a dedicated crafting space.

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

Guess How Many. (Nov.7, 2018)

Today was a nice regular day.
I had my usual for lunch - salad kit with chicken breast up on top.

The squares for the guesses are selling at lightning speed.

I wish I could buy one but I can't because I counted up the chocolates so I know how many are in the jar.
I wanted to 'get stuff done' tonight so when I got home after work, I got to it.
I finished up a post on the blog and published it.
Still have lots sitting in draft mode but I'll get to them.
Then I decided to try sewing a tree from a scarf.
My sewing machine is downstairs with mom - hers wasn't working so I took mine down there for her.
It was really noisy and she was watching something so I felt kind of bad.

It wasn't as easy to sew the knit material because it kind of stretched so I am not sure how they are going to look.
I was just guessing too on the line so I drew lines on the rest of the scarf for next time.
I am hoping to get a few done maybe tomorrow night instead.

I made myself Kodiak cakes and eggs for supper and added a chicken breast in for some extra protein.
I'm behind on The Block again and it's nearing the end so I got a few episodes in.
When My Honey got home, we watched Delicious Destinations together, this time he was in the Hamptons.
This is how My Honey and I decide on where we want to go visit, by watching these shows and drooling over the food we would like to try.
That's a wrap for today.

Until next time, be happy!

Little Bathing Beauty! (Nov.6, 2018)

I weighed in first thing when I got to the office.

I knew I was going to be up but it wasn't as bad as I was expecting.
I am going to get right back on track though.
I dropped off BN's Cobb treats on his desk when I got to the office.
He had a good laugh when he got to work and saw them.
JoelT was back to work this morning.
He should be out on STD as his wife is very sick but they are really giving him a hard time and keep denying his claim. (Not our company but a third party insurance company).

So we chatted with him and caught up a little.
His wife is doing better than she was a few months back.

She is going to pop by the office to visit us on Friday (she used to work here with us).
I was able to make coffee break for once - it was nice!

My Honey texted me while we were on coffee break to see how hard BN was working so I snapped this picture to send and show him.

I stopped by the store for salad kits and chicken breasts on the way home for lunch.
A salad kit with a can of baby shrimp up on top was lunch for me today.
It was good too.

My Honey was busy building a model of our land so we can figure out what we want to do on it.

When I got home after work, there was this melted plastic smell all through the house.
My Honey had gotten his model of the land all done then carved out an area for the river then he put this resin in it and it completely melted the Styrofoam.
All his hard work just melted away.
Live and learn is his motto though and he had already started on a new one.

I got together the Halloween decorations I'd picked up for my son then My Honey, my mom and I headed over to visit them.

I brought Baby F the new hat I'd picked up for her.

It looked so cute on her.

Can there ever be too many baby pictures?  I think not!

Mom & I took turns holding her.

Miss H was taking her swimming for the first time tonight so she tried on her little bathing suit.

So cute.

She was loving it.

She loves taking baths so I'm sure she'll love the pool as well although it is much cooler.

We headed home so they could get ready to go and I got busy on my blogging (still way behind) and My Honey got busy on supper.

These are some of my purchases over the weekend.

This is the ornament I picked up for them for Christmas this year - hope they like it.

I really like these little ornaments.

I'm totally in love with this wreath - I think it's just gorgeous.

These are a bunch of the clothing items I picked up thinking they would be good for making "sweater" christmas trees.

Miss A's brownie group had the EMS crew drop by for a visit.

My Honey made fish in a coating, broccoli and rice for supper.
The fish was so delicious.
I could have had a second piece but I refrained.
He also cooked my chicken breasts up for me so they'll be ready to go for lunches this week.

I did a few loads of laundry and got all the "tree" material washed up.
I have to think about how I'm going to do it without the material all unraveling but I am hoping to get one made tomorrow night.

My Honey and I watched a few shows including Delicious Destinations (I just love Andrew Zimmern, we both do) then it was time to for bed.

Some memories popped up on Facebook that I wanted to share.

Mom's Maxx in his younger days.

SV, NCT & BH one of the first nights we all went out together - I dragged them to a bar because I was hoping I'd run into My Honey there (before he was My Honey).

He wasn't there but we had a great time and it's a fun memory.

This was back in the summer of 2008 - I went back home to visit and my bestie, DZ and I took a drive out to Eastern Passage to see the big moose.

I thought I was big then but would be quite happy to be back down to that size now.

DZ out front of Boondocks - a restaurant on the boardwalk there.

This was the summer that my son decided he wanted to move back to NS and live with his dad.
It was one of the hardest things I ever did to let him do it, but I did.
This was the day I was leaving him behind and I was so upset.
Thankfully for me, he came back to Alberta after a year otherwise my life would be quite different right now as I would have moved back to NS.
I'd have never gotten together with My Honey and my boy wouldn't have met his honey and little Baby F would not be here with us now so I am extremely thankful that things worked out the way they did.


That is all for today, until next time, be happy!