Friday 21 April 2023

Birthday Lunch with the Girls (Apr.11, 2023)

It's not official weigh in day today but I just wanted to know where I was at the beginning of vacation so I can see how much damage I've done when I get back. 

I was 214 lbs - that's up just from yesterday - I'm kind of in Vacation mode with my eating already if I'm being honest.
6 days of throwing caution to the wing then it will be back on track for me.

I felt a bit like I had a cold or something trying to start so this is how I started my morning.
Vitamin C and lots of it, a Core Power drink and my coffee - that should stave off anything menacing I hope.

The girls took me out for lunch for my birthday.
I had fries and they were delicious and totally worth every point (I didn't track any points today anyway).
They gave me a gift certificate for Amazon for a birthday gift.

When I got home, I finished packing and also looked for Jason's GoPro.
We were looking everywhere for it - we knew we had it in Florida but hadn't seen it since.
I had a search around again and finally found it under the bed (not sure how it managed to end up there) but I was pretty happy to find it and I sent Jason a picture to let him know.

I also hopped on the treadmill to get my 1 mile run in for the day.

So happy to get it done but even happier to be heading out on a vacation tomorrow.

When Jason got home, he finished packing then we loaded up the car and headed into the city.
We fly out early tomorrow morning so it's just better if we are in there already.
We stayed at the Four Points by Sheraton - they have the best beds, bedding and pillows.

We got there around 10:30 and basically went right to bed - we have to be up at 4:30 so we wanted to get a few hours of sleep in before that. 

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

Tuesday 11 April 2023

Bad Weigh In and Pity Party Day (Apr.10, 2023)

 I had another sleepless night last night - it was terrible.

I don't know why it happens to me but I was so tired this morning.

But - I had to get up for work so get up I did and I weighed in first thing.

I was 212.6 lbs.

That means I was up .4 lbs for the week.
I'm so disappointed in myself.
I try so hard for weeks and I barely make any movement on the scale at all then in no time at all, I undo any progress that I've made.
It is just so hard and I'm feeling discouraged.

Mom had offered to watch Freya when I headed to work this morning but Freya woke up and when she realized I was going to work - she wanted to go home.
So I got her ready and dropped her off on my way.

Shennelle was looking for a good book to read on her vacation - she and Jody are off to Miami this week then a Carribean cruise for Jody's 50th birthday - so I recommended this one to her.
I thought it was a great read.

I had a few things to do at lunch time so I didn't walk back to the office and I was fairly busy all day but I didn't want to end up having to do 13 000 steps when I got home so I made sure to get out for a walk in the afternoon.
It was super windy out there - holy heck.
I forgot to take a picture too so I just took one when I got back to the office.

It looks like I just rolled out of bed.
I was supposed to go renew my drivers license but don't want to go looking like this - I'll get ready and go up there tomorrow and do it.

When I got home, I hopped in the treadmill.
I walked a bit - ran 1.066 miles too.
It felt not too bad actually.

If I wasn't feeling so tired due to lack of sleep I might have stayed on longer.
I thought Freya was coming over too but her and Haylee ended up going to visit with a neighbour.

I had a pretty quiet evening and I'm not sure if was because I was tired or the weigh in but I was having kind of a pity party for myself and ate a bunch of stuff I shouldn't have.
My brother brought me a little tub of mango/raspberry ice cream for my birthday yesterday and I finished that off.
Plus I had granola bars, pistachios that Mom bought for me, candy, chocolate - just all kinds of treats.
I totally fell off the WW wagon today - I was feeling like I'm not getting anywhere so why bother.

Of course I immediately regretted it but can't undo it now.
Can only just move on from here and keep trying.

We are heading to Vegas this week and I never really follow WW when I'm on a vacation but I want to at least be sensible and not throw all caution to the wind.

I really want to get back under 200 and it's just so hard - I don't want to be going in the wrong direction then have more ground to make up when I get back.

I do plan on running every day while I'm there so that should help to keep things from getting out of control, in fact, I want us to be as active we can this trip, biking, canoeing, whatever we can do to burn off all the calories that I know I'm going to be eating.

Haylee posted this cute picture from the weekend I thought I would share.
Freya is just growing up so fast.

I have a busy day tomorrow so I made sure I packed my suitcase tonight.
Jason packed his as well.
As soon as he gets home from work we will be heading into the city - we fly out at 7:40 am on Wednesday morning and I'm so looking forward to it.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

Monday 10 April 2023

Easter (Apr.9, 2023)

I had such a difficult time falling to sleep last night - I'm not sure what my issue was but I barely had any sleep at all.
I thought maybe I could sleep in but I wanted to get up to put the ham in so when Jason left for work I just got up.

He also cooked up a ham for the guys at work today - the glaze he put on it looks amazing.
He said it was fairly quiet out there later in the day so he went for a run around the battery - he said it was a little muddy but not too bad.

After I got the ham in the oven I got to work 'hiding' the Easter eggs around the house.
I wish we had nice springs where we could hide the eggs outdoors but we still have too much snow for that.

You can see I just popped eggs everywhere.

I wouldn't really call them 'hidden' but the kids will still have fun looking for them later when they come over.

After I got the eggs hidden, I headed out for a walk/run.
I needed lots of steps so I did some walking first then did my running.

I wanted to try for 5k today even though I knew it would be hard - I just need to do it.

Most of the roads in town are nice and clear now but there still is quite a bit of snow around.
It did go down a lot this weekend though - we've been having pretty nice temps.

I ended up running just over 6k.

My exercise details.

My average pace and splits.
I was breathing really heavy so I was really trying to work on slowing it down and catching my breath and in order to do so, I had to really try to slow my running down.
It's like I've forgotten how to breath properly while I'm running - have to figure it out again.

It was hard but I did it and I felt proud.

When I got back to the house, Kody, Haylee and Freya were there.
Good thing I hid those eggs before I headed out.

I had whole carrots ready to roast in the oven and I put together the hash brown casserole and got that all in the oven cooking.

Then I texted everyone and had them come over early so we could eat while it was still warm.

Alivia checking out her Easter basket.
We just got them each a chocolate bunny, some bubbles, a stuffie and some other little chocolates. 

Then we let the kids go ahead and do their egg hunt.
Zepplyn just wanted the eggs, not the chocolate inside.

Checking out their hauls.

Then it was time to eat.
My ham turned out pretty good - I just glazed it with a mustard/brown sugar mixture.

I made way too much tater tot casserole.
I crumbled up potato chips up on top.
I wasn't going to have any myself but I just had to try it so I just had a really small portion.

I tried doing whole oven roasted glazed carrots.
They didn't turn out exactly like I wanted but they were ok.
I think I may look up a recipe and try them again another time.

Haylee - she's been feeling nauseous so hasn't been able to eat a lot.
I did try to get them to take leftovers but the also have leftovers from dinner at her Grandma's yesterday so they didn't want to take too much.
I guess Mom will be having tater tot casserole for the rest of the week!

It was kind of my birthday dinner too and I'm trying to follow WW so I didn't want a cake so Mom picked up a couple of pies and I got some ice cream to go with them.

Everyone brought me cards as well and gave me money and scratch tickets!

Then we all just kind of hung out and visited.

Trying to get a good picture but the sunlight was too bright in behind them.

Kody and Adrien.
Morgan wasn't feeling well so she didn't come.

Zepplyn actually didn't turn away for a picture - I'm impressed.

Alivia being silly.

The kids were in my room playing on my bed.

They had it torn right apart.

I tried to get them all to pose for a picture but this was the best that I got.

Everyone ended up leaving around 6 except for Freya who decided that she wanted to spend the night tonight.
Mom said she would watch her in the morning when I left for work so I let her.

Freya wanted to take Louie out for a walk so she, mom, Louie and I all went for a walk around the block.
It was so nice that we didn't even need to wear coats.

When Jason got home - Freya ditched me and played with him for the rest of the evening until bed time.
She was just wired and it was hard getting her to settle down but eventually we managed to.

Saw these memory bears on Facebook and thought they were a great idea.
I do have Dad's last name on mine from his uniform but I love the little hat.
What a great idea!

That's all for today, until next time, be happy.

Pedicure and Easter Prep (Apr.8, 2023)

 Jason was busy making all things bacon at work this morning.

He picked up a turkey to cook for the guys - he likes to cut it up into pieces and cook them seperately because different cuts need different cook times.

He hates a dry turkey.

This time he tried wrapping the breast in bacon and cooking it that way.

He had leftover bacon so he draped that over the rest of the turkey to cook.
I bet it is going to be delicious.

I really wanted to get my toenails done before we head to Las Vegas this week but I didn't really feel like driving to Whitecourt to do it.
We do have a spa in town and on Google it showed that it opened today at 10 so I called after that to see if I could get in today.
There was no answer so I drove by to have a look and it wasn't open so I ended up having to go to Whitecourt afterall.
I called a few places and one spot, Pretty & Polished, said they could get me in as soon as I got there so I made an appointment and headed out.

It was nice out today so I decided to bring my running gear along with me - I figured I could get a run in while I was there - the change of scenery would be nice.

Getting pampered is always nice.

I decided to go with a new color that I've not had before - a minty green color.
I don't like it as much as I thought I would - I think I still prefer my pale pink, but it will do.

I hadn't eaten anything all morning and I was feeling kind of hungry so I stopped and got myself a sub then went to the park to eat it.

I only ate half for now - it was loaded with veggies and tasted so darn good.

I don't normally like to run right after I eat so I walked around the park for a bit first just to let my belly settle.

Then after about a half hour or so of walking, I started running.
I hoped to do 5k and I did but it felt really hard.
I just have to keep pushing myself to do it though - it will get easier.

My exercise details.

My average pace and splits.

When I got back home, I cleaned the house all up that put together everyone's easter baskets.

I was going to cut the bags in the shape of bunnies - I saw it on Instagram and it looked really cute but when I tried it, it didn't really work out.
So instead I cut little bunnies on the Cricket.

I like how they turned out - they look super cute.

For the kids baskets, instead of hanging the bunnies on them, I glued them to skewers and stuck them in the basket.

I had punched holes in them thinking I would hang them so I just glued on flowers to cover up the holes.

Mom got Alivia a little bunny that is chocolate scented.

Hunter got a little lamb.

And Zepplyn got this cute purple bunnie.
I also filled all the plastic eggs I had with chocolates and I'll hide them all sometime before everyone gets here tomorrow.
I'm hoping to have Freya spend the night so I'll likely do it after she goes to bed tonight.

They went to Haylee's grandma Rita and Papa Lloyd's place in Barrhead for Easter dinner today and they did an egg hunt outside.

Pretending to be bunnies.

Zepplyn is really getting into it.

They got home just after 8 and Kody was going to bring Freya over but then he called and said that she actually wanted to stay home.
Kind of odd but that's ok - Jason and I had a nice, chill evening in a nice, clean house.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!