Wednesday 4 May 2022

Weigh In Day and Highway Run (May 2, 2022)

Monday means weigh in day.

I didn't track my points again this week - I ate a bit better but I really want to get back on the WW bandwagon.

It's hard.

I was 195.8 lbs.

That's down 2.2 since last weigh in.
If only I COULD keep it up WW.
I'm certainly going to try.

Jason ran 21 km down the highway so at lunch I drove out and picked him up.
He wanted to do a straight out, not straight and back.

He dropped me off what we thought was about 6 km or so from town because I had 7 km to run today.

I'm always nervous about running along the highway because we have lots of wildlife around, bears, cougars, moose, deer, etc and I would be terrified if I ever came across something.
I have come across a coyote a few times in town and it was a little unnerving but I survived.

Anyway, Jason stayed with me.
He would drive ahead to the next turn out, wait for me to pass then drive to the next one and so on all the way until I finished.

Starting off was tough, it was even kind of a downhill portion but my legs just felt like lead, like I could barely move them.
It took a few km to feel really warmed up.

I was so disappointed when I got to the turn off to town and found I had actually only run 5.3 km.
It was a hard 5.3 km, very hilly.
I just did a bit of zig zagging though at the end there and got my 7 k.

My exercise details and average heart rate.
I was surprised to see my average heart rate was 154, it felt much tougher than that.

My average pace and splits.
There were a couple of really long inclines near the end that I struggled with but I just kept telling myself that hills during training just make me that much stronger.

My video check in for today.

I'm so lucky to have this guy - my run took about an hour but he stayed right with me the whole time.

I washed up then headed back to the office for the afternoon.

We had considered having Freya over for a sleep over but Zepplyn had her first ball game (ever) tonight in the Fort and Freya went along with her and Crystal to watch.

Looks like she had a fun time!
(Crystal posted this picture).

So Jason and I had a quiet night.
I think both of us are feeling tired from all the running.

Until today, Monday's have been a rest day for me on the training schedule.
Going forward from here, Wednesday will be my only rest day.

So I've been thinking about it and while I made a goal of running at least 1 mile every day this year, being healthy for my marathon is more important to me so I think I'm going to skip the 1 mile run on Wednesday's and have a true rest day.

I feel like my body needs it.
I'm thinking about it anyway.
We'll see how I feel on Wednesday.

We ended up watching The Girl on The Train finally.
I've been wanting to watch it for so long.

I felt a little slow at parts but overall I did like it.
It stayed pretty true to the storyline of the book as far as I can remember - it's been a long time since I read it.
Of course, as usual, I will say that I enjoyed the book more.

That's all for today.

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