Monday 2 May 2022

Birthday Dinner Trip with the Girls (April 30, 2022)

 Bonnie, Nadine and I are heading to the city today for my birthday dinner.

We decided to leave at 8 so I got up at 6 to get my workout in.

I had no idea what time we'd be getting home and I didn't want to have it hanging over my head all day then have to do it at like 9 pm tonight or something.

I briefly considered doing it outside but in the end opted for the treadmill.

I didn't eat anything at all, just got out of bed, got dressed and hopped right on the treadmill.

That might have been a mistake because I felt like I had no get up and go.

I would work my way up from a pace of 4.0 to a pace of 5.0 but I couldn't sustain the 5.0 for longer than a minute and had to keep going back down to 4.0.

So my 4 miles took a bit longer than usual but I got it done and that's the main thing.
It feels so good to get it out of the way early in the morning.

I wish I could do it early every morning but it's tough!

My video check in for today.

Mom had another iron transfusion this morning and Rob dropped by to pick her up for that.
They left right at the same time that Bonnie picked me up.

We stopped in Westlock at McDonald's for breakfast then went to the Farmhouse Country Store out there that we all love so much.

I got this small picture - they have this print in all different sizes, I got the smallest.
I was thinking I'd put it in my bathroom but now that I've thought about it more, I think I might actually put it in Mom's bathroom.

I also got a little bird - I guess I have a thing for birds.
There were so many other things I loved but I had to refrain from buying up everything.

From there we headed into St Albert and made stops at Costco, Lowe's, Michael's and Homesense.
I thought Jason might like these shorts so I sent him a picture to make sure.

Had to send both the back and front.
He did like them so I picked them up for him.

Then we headed to Sportcheck.
I wanted to get Kody a new pair of sneakers for his birthday - he's a size 13 so there weren't a lot of options.

I narrowed it down to these two and sent pictures to Jason to get his opinion.

I ended up going with the first pair which were more expensive of course, but lighter and just an overall better sneaker.

I hope he likes them.

The guy that helped me out at the store was a bit of a shoe nerd and wanted to talk all things sneakers which was kind of cute but we were all starving and he was kind of hard to get away from.

We decided to go to Sorrentino's in St Albert for supper - none of us had ever eaten there before so we were looking forward to trying something new.

We were ready to eat early - it opened at 3 and we were there by 10 after.

The three of us.

We shared some appetizers - tomato Bruschetta.
It tasted fresh and delicious.

I wanted the garlic knots - I love anything bread and these were warm and soft like they'd just come out of the oven.
We also had lobster fritters which I forgot to take a picture of.

They were promoting a specialty garlic menu and today was the last day for it so I ordered something off of it.

Black garlic gnocchi.

To be honest, the gnocchi itself was just ok, Jason has made better.
The sauce however was fantastic, it had mushrooms, ricotta and pancetta in it, it was so good - I loved it.

I barely made a dent in it though - I ended up taking most of it home with me.

The girls both had ricotta ravioli and it was delicious too.

We weren't too stuffed for dessert luckily.

They had a black garlic coconut cake which I had to try.
It wasn't what I was expecting - I was expecting more of a cake but it I did like it.
Neither Bonnie nor Nadine did which I guess was good, meant I didn't have to share 😃

Nadine ordered a passionfruit and mango panna cotta which was really tasty (didn't get a picture) and Bonnie had this torte limon which was really light and refreshing.

The meal was a bit on the pricier side but overall the experience was great so I think it was worth it.
The food was delicious, our waiter was really good, super friendly.

Jason made one of his famous ice cream cakes.

He's working this weekend, covering for his cross shift guy that needed a few days off and looks like he's going to treat them to a lunch tomorrow.

After our meal, we made one more stop at Home Depot so Nadine could get wallpaper paste then we headed home.

We got home around 7:30 which was nice - I was exhausted though so Jason and I just watched some tv before calling it a night.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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