Tuesday 10 May 2022

A Shocking,Terrible Day (May 9, 2022)

 Monday means weigh in day.

I weighed in at 194.2 lbs.

That's down another 1.6.
Two losses in a row - that's good for me.
Maybe I can finally get on a roll.
We are leaving for New York tomorrow so honestly my next weigh in is likely going to be up but after that, I'm totally going to give my all to tracking and eating better.

It was snowing out there again and cold and blustery so the last thing I wanted to do was go run outside in it.

I decided that I would hop on the treadmill at lunch instead but when I went downstairs Mom had the massage table out and I realized it was Monday and she has her massage every Monday at 1 pm.

I knew I had 7 k to run and that I wouldn't be done before Crystal got there for the massage so I decided to wait until after work and just headed back to work.

I was hoping that the weather might clear up and I would be able to run outside but spoiler alert - it didn't.

So right after work I went down and hopped on the treadmill.
My legs felt like dead weights at first, I could barely get going.
So I hopped off, put on my alphafly's and started over.

Those gave me the boost I needed and I got the 7 k done (4.4 miles).

My video check in.

Right after my workout, I got a call that no one ever wants to get.
The worse call of my life thus far.

My Dad's partner/spouse/companion of nearly 30 years, Dee, called to tell me that my Dad was in hospital and that he'd taken a turn for the worse today.

She'd been at the hospital with him all day and had just left to go home and feed the dogs (they live 45 minutes away from the hospital) and she'd just gotten home when the called her.

I asked if I had enough time to get there to see him (he lives in Newfoundland) but she wasn't sure that I would.
So she gave me the number to the hospital and I called right away hoping that I could at least talk to him even if he couldn't talk to me.
They wouldn't let me, said the Doctor was going to call Dee and I'd have to wait to speak with Dee.
Dee called me shortly after to let me know that he'd passed away.
As I'm writing these words, I can't even believe it.

He called me on my birthday just a couple weeks ago and he sounded like he was having a hard time catching his breath and I had a really bad feeling.
He told me that they found a spot on his lung and they were going to send him for a CT scan the following week.
So I said I'd call back to see how it went and when I called him, he said he hadn't gone in yet.
I was going to call him again but hadn't gotten around to it yet.
In my mind - I think I kind of knew that it was going to be bad but I thought I'd have more time, I was planning on heading out there to visit him this summer.
I should have listened to my instinct but I wanted to believe that he was going to be ok.

Dee said he didn't want to tell us because he didn't want us to worry but I wish I'd had the chance to get there to see him one more time.

My Dad was such a good man, I loved him so much and I was so proud that he was my dad.
I think that's all I can write on this for now.

My beautiful, wonderful Dad.

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