Tuesday 24 May 2022

Off to NYC! (May 10, 2022)

Woke up to weather today that fit with how I was feeling. 

Snow, again.

I had a hard time getting to sleep last night - I kept thinking about my Dad and how surreal it is that he is just gone.
It's just so shocking and so unexpected.
I just can't believe that I'll never see him again.

I went on to work this morning but I wasn't really ready to talk about Dad so I didn't talk to anyone, just stuck to my office and worked then around noon I just felt like I needed to get out of there so I called it a day and headed home.

I have this picture of him in my office - not only was he wonderful but he was so handsome too.
It hardly seems right that such a great person is now gone from this Earth and the rest of the world is just going on as normal for everyone else.
It seems wrong somehow.

I really wasn't in the mood to go for a run but I made myself go and I'm glad I did.

I accidentally paused my fitbit right at the beginning of my run and didn't realize it until I was nearly done.
When I discovered that it was paused, I figured I'd run about 6 or so km's by then so I decided to run 2 km more and call that good.

It's only for 2 km of the run but these are the exercised details.

And these are my splits for the 2k.

Daily Training video check in.

Jason and I decided that we are going to go ahead with our New York trip anyway.
We didn't have any insurance so we would have just lost all we paid for the flights, the hotel and the shows we'd booked.

I think it will do me good to get away anyway.

Jason got off work a bit early and we packed then headed into the city.

We dropped the car off at the Park n' Fly now we are on our way to the airport.
We are flying the red eye, we have a layover in Toronto then onto New York, we get there around 9 am in the morning.

We shared a burger and a salad at Chili's in the airport once we made it through security.

I straightened my hair this morning.
I just love my new straightener.

My handsome honey.

My aunt posted this nice picture of she and her honey and my dad.

Kody, Haylee and Freya are all staying at her Grandma's in Barrhead while Kody is taking his course this week so we didn't get to see them today before we left.
Haylee posted this cute picture of Freya and her Grandma's puppy though.
She looks so happy!

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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