Friday 6 May 2022

Brain Fog Was A Thing Today (May 5, 2022)

 I wanted to get my run done on my lunch hour so I wore my work out clothes to work this morning so I'd be ready to go as soon as I got home.

It was actually quite nice out today for once - I loved it.

I had to run 5 miles or 8k today - I was hoping I'd feel like a spring chicken after my rest day yesterday.
That wasn't the case, ha ha.

My exercise details and average heart rate.
I was trying to push myself a little harder which I can see in my average heart rate.

It didn't translate to my average pace though.
My run time and average pace was exactly the same today as it was on Tuesday.

It felt good to be done!

My video check in for today.

Work was really busy this afternoon.
I had all kinds of things popping up and I felt like my head was spinning, like I couldn't focus.
I kind of felt like I was in a fog or something.

Not sure if that was because I was tired or what but I was really glad to go home at the end of the day and just rest.

I picked up subs for Jason and I so I wouldn't have to cook and as soon as I ate mine, I soaked in a nice hot bath for an hour.

I had an FCSS meeting tonight too - I felt much better after my soak so that was good - I was able to focus.

Trina was away at a conference so she called in to the meeting and it was just under an hour, nice and quick.

Jason and I watched the last episode of Moon Knight tonight.
I really enjoyed it until it ended then I wasn't so sure.
I was kind of like 'what'? 
But then there was an extra scene and then I was ok.
Overall, I enjoyed it.

I did really well on WW today.
I tracked all of my points and stayed right within my point limit for the day.
It wasn't that hard to do once I set my mind to it.
Now to get a few more days in and I'll be on a roll!

Nothing tastes as good as being fit and healthy feels - Just need to keep reminding myself of that!

That's it for today, until next time, be happy.

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