Tuesday 10 May 2022

Mother's Day & Still Snowing (May 8, 2022)

The winter just doesn't seem to want to end this year. 

Believe it or not, it's May 8th and this is what we woke up to.

I'm so over it.

I came out and found Freya sitting in Paddington's little makeshift bed with him.

I can't believe he actually stayed in there with her.

He doesn't even look like he's planning an escape which is amazing.

Yesterday when Alivia and Mel were in the city, Hunter spent the day with his sissy Morgan and she took him to the fair in Whitecourt.

He played some games.

Rode some rides.
She even took him swimming a the nice pool there then out for supper afterwards.
He had a great day with her.

I was planning on having everyone over for brunch for Mother's Day but then decided since I had to run 13k today that it would be much easier on me if we all just went out for brunch together so that's what we did.

A fellow diner offered to take another picture of us all so I could be in it.
It was really nice for us to all enjoy a meal together but no clean up afterwards for me!
I think we may start doing this more often.
I had an omelet, bacon and a pancake and I enjoyed every single bit.

Meanwhile Jason was making brunch for the guys at work too - he had strawberries and whipped cream on waffles - that looks pretty darn good too.

The kids all wanted to come back to my place to play for a bit after we ate so of course I let them.
I cooked up some cupcakes so they could decorate them.

The heck with putting the icing on the cupcakes, right into the mouth it goes.

I love his big smile!

Hard at work creating masterpieces.

He used to just pile on as much icing onto one cupcake as he could, now he is becoming more deliberate about how he decorates.
I think he has a bit of a creative side to him just like his sister.

Alivia 'the artiste' creating beauty everywhere she goes.

Freya got hers all decorated, now she's picking one to taste test.

This one looks good.

Yup, it is!

I still had to get out for my run which I was NOT looking forward to at all - especially considering the weather.

I wanted to wait at least an hour after eating but two went by before I finally made myself hit the pavement.

It was tough because the weather was so crappy but I really didn't want to run 13k on the treadmill either so I pulled on my big girl panties, got Mom to sit upstairs with the kids and headed out.

It wasn't terrible and this is the smile of a girl who is so happy to be done with her run for today.

I tried to change it up a little and ran on the highway a little further than I normally do.
It is very hilly but I just kept telling myself how good that is for me.
I'm not going to lie, I was so nervous that a bear might come out, I even took my headphones off just so I could hear but thankfully I encountered no wildlife along the way.

My exercise details and average heart rate.

My average page and splits.
Lots of hills which equals slower pace for me but my average heart rate was slightly higher today so it was the same effort.

Video check in for today.

Jason signed us up to run a half marathon next Saturday while we are in New York - I'm not sure how that is going to go - I'm not sure if I could have ran extra today or not but I'm going to give it my best shot.

I think it's a mindset thing - When I know I only have to run 13k, I'm looking forward to getting to that number so I can be finished but if I know I have 21 to run, I know it's going to take longer but I'm mentally prepared for that distance.

That's my hope anyway, we'll see how it goes.

When I got back from my run, Kody was there to pick up Freya.
They are heading to Haylee's grandparents in Barrhead - Kody is going to be staying there while he is taking his course so he only has and hour drive and back each day.
Saves on gas and time.

Jason and I were both tired so we had another early night.
Don't know if it's the running or if I'm getting old?
I'm going with the running.

Little ha ha for today.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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