Monday 2 May 2022

Mammogram for Mom (April 29, 2022)

Mom had an appointment in Edmonton this afternoon at 4 for a mammogram so I left work early.

I had considered taking my running gear with me and going for a run right after I dropped her off but I wasn't sure how long her appointment would be.

I had to run 5 miles/8 k and I knew that would take me about an hour and I didn't want her to have to be waiting for me so I decided to get it done before we left.


We woke up to snow and ice and cold weather again so I decided to do it on the treadmill and I passed the time watching The Running Channel videos.

I tried to take a picture of these strength training exercises Anna was showing so I could start doing them.

I've been doing well with my running but my strength training and stretching are falling short.

Well non-existent really if I'm being honest.

I felt like I needed a bit of an energy boost so I had an energy gel while I was running.

I tried the chocolate flavor - it was ok - I think I could have one or two while on a long run.

It took me 68 minutes to complete the 5 miles which was much longer than yesterday but it's done and that's the main thing.

Sweaty selfie.

Super sweaty actually.
Even though I ran at a bit of a lower pace, I was still soaked when I finished so I was working!

My daily video check in.

After I worked out, I got ready and Mom and I headed in to the city.

We left a bit later than I wanted to but we still made it to her appointment by 3:30 which is when they asked us to be there.

Her appointment wasn't actually until 4 but they wanted her there early to check in.

I sat in the car and did crossword puzzles while I waited for her.
It ended up taking her an hour so I would have had time to run!

The weather was much nicer in Edmonton, it was like 15 C and sunny.

Mom wanted to go to Costco so we went there next.

She picked up a bunch of gifts for Kody.

He is turning 30 this year and mom started this thing when I turned 30 where she got me 30 presents so I wanted to do the same for Kody.

Mom wanted to too so it looks like Kody will be getting 60 gifts at least - 30 from mom and 30 from me.
Mom was pretty tuckered after the Costco shopping experience so we got some McDonald's for supper and headed home.

It was 9 pm when we got back to town and it was still kind of light out which was nice.

I love it when the days start getting longer at this time of year.

I was also pleasantly surprised to see that a lot of the snow had melted.

Maybe spring is finally here!

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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