Friday 6 May 2022

Slave Lake, Ice Cream and Movie Making (May 4, 2022)

I've decided that I'm going to start observing Rest Days now and I'm not gonna lie, I'm looking forward to it!

For now I am going to continue on with the 13,000 steps per day goal but if that gets to be too much, I may reconsider that too.

We'll see how it goes.

I had a WCSS meeting that I had to attend in Slave Lake - they were providing lunch for us at noon then the meeting was at 1 so I hit the road at 11 am.

It was a nice day for a drive, I enjoyed it.

It was nice to see all the WCSS peeps, I don't get to see them that much as we are really spread out.

The meeting went until about 3:30.

I made a stop at Walmart for some kitty litter then I headed home, it was just before 5 when I got home.

Adrien was taking Mel out for supper so asked if I could watch Hunter.

Freya happened to be out in the yard playing with him so they both came over.


I needed a lot of steps at this point so I asked they kids if they wanted to walk down and get an ice cream.

They were finding all the puddles on the way down.
Don't blame them - puddles are fun!

The sky was looking pretty dark in the distance there - I think we have rain headed our way.

We got ice creams and sat and ate them.

Trying to figure out who had the best ice cream.
I think we were all winners.

I didn't even know that they had soft ice cream here - Freya got chocolate and sprinkles on hers and she thought that was just marvelous.

We didn't dawdle much as those ominous clouds were bearing down upon us.

We felt a few sprinkles of rain just as we were getting home so that was lucky.
There was quite the downpour right after that.

Freya set up my ring light so she could interview Hunter - so cute!

Jason did an interview with Hunter and Freya.
I love how honest kids are, especially Hunter.
His explanation about the jam cracked me up.

Jason asked the kids if they wanted to make casts of their hands and of course they were in.

Casts are poured.

The last set Jason and Freya made didn't turn out, she kept pulling the play dough away from them before they were set up.
Hopefully she'll leave these one.

Freya wanted to show me how she could do a cartwheel, so cute.

Then it kind of turned into movie making - the kids wanted us to record them.
They love it when I post it on YouTube and they get to watch themselves on the tv.

This is the first thing Hunter wanted to do.
We call this one "Ghosts in the Laundry"

Then Hunter decided he wanted to be a Kraken and Freya was her favorite, a zombie.
The kids just love to pretend which is so good for their imaginations.

Hunter - otherwise know as The Kraken.

Don't awaken The Kraken - the consequences may be dire!

The Hijinks of Hunter "The Kraken" continue.

The kids had a lot of fun making videos and next time they come over, they'll have fun watching them.
Kody and Adrien both showed up around the same time to pick up the kids.

The rain helped wash away a lot of the snow, there is still some big patches of it left here and there but I feel like I can finally see the proverbial light at the end of the tunnel.

I saw these on Facebook - so stinking cute - I wish I was talented enough to make them but they are almost too cute to eat anyway.

I really had to admit to myself today that I've gained a substantial amount of weight back from my lowest I got to this time around on weigh watchers.

I'm sitting around the 195 mark and I did get as low as 179 so that's 16 lbs - too much.
I'm so disappointed in myself.

I never want to go back to where I was and now is the time to stop it.

We are going to New York next week and when I'm on vacation I kind of just eat whatever and it's tempting to just continue on eating whatever I want since we are leaving in a few days anyway but I can't.

I need to reign it in.

So starting tomorrow I'm going to really give WW my all and continue to do so until we head out.

See what I can drop before we go.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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