Tuesday 10 May 2022

13k Run and More Dancing (May 7, 2022)

Mom had her last of three iron transfusions in Whitecourt this morning at 9 am so we were on the road by 8.

I went ready to run.
I got her checked in at the hospital then I headed out.
It wasn't the nicest weather but at least it wasn't snowing like it was back home.

I had 13k on the schedule for today.
I wasn't sure how it was going to go so I just started out slow and took my time.
Slow and steady wins the race right?
Or at least finishes it anyway.

My exercise details and average heart rate.

 I was actually feeling pretty good throughout the run until I got to the last few km's, then I felt like I was running out of gas.
I had planned on bringing a gu with me to practice fueling during the run but totally forgot.
So I slowed down considerably the last three km's but I managed to get it done and I was proud of myself.

My video check in for today.

After I finished up my run, I picked mom back up at the hospital then we went to Booster Juice for smoothies and wraps.
A very nice treat after my run.
I used their washroom to change out of my running gear then after a quick stop to the second hand store, we headed on into the city so we could watch Alivia.
She had a solo dance today at 4:15 pm.

We weren't allowed to take pictures during the competition so this is right after.

She won another gold!

We went to dinner afterwards - Alivia picked Red Lobster.
Alivia and I.

Mom and Mel.

They have the best biscuits there - they don't even need butter.
I could have eaten a whole plate of them myself but I refrained and just had one.

I had a  lobster tail, salmon and shrimp with green beans and a baked potato.
It was pretty darn good.

Kody had dropped Freya off to Jason for the night so she was there when mom and I got home from the city.
I picked her up a couple things at the second hand store today including this dress so I had her try it on.
She's been into dresses and girlie things lately.

She morphs into Dua Lipa when she gets dressed up and always wants us to play her song 'Levitating' .

Jason calls her Miss Lipa and she gets a rock star kind of attitude, it's so cute.

She wanted spicy noodles for a snack - that kid just loves hot stuff.
We got her some baby chopsticks so she could practice eating with them.

She brought her little dolly stroller up from the basement and Jason was pushing her around in it.
They she decided it would be a great chair.

Ahh, the life!

I don't know why but this literally made me laugh out loud.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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