Monday 2 May 2022

Effing Snow, Go Away! (May 1, 2022)

Looked out the window this morning and guess what we saw?

If you guessed more snow, you are absolutely correct!

I am so tired of looking at snow - I just want it to go away.
It proceeded to snow most of the morning.

I made myself a coffee and started watching this movie that looked kind of cute.
The Fundamentals of Caring.

I stopped it about halfway through because Morgan came over to get her taxes done.
It didn't take long to do them, hers are fairly easy but she stayed and visited with Mom and I for a bit.

After she left, I finished watching the movie - it was just ok.

I had to run 8 miles or 10k today and I really wasn't looking forward to hopping on the treadmill again.
It had at least stopped snowing outside and it was 1 C so I decided to just suck it up and head out there for my run.
We had gotten lots of snow but the roads at least weren't covered and I figured at 1 degree, they shouldn't be icy.

It seemed like the sun was trying to come out part way through my run and I thought I might have over dressed but it didn't last, it went back to grey and dreary and started drizzling rain which it did for the rest of the run.

I had to go to the bathroom around the 8th km so I had to slow down considerably but I did manage to finish anyway.

10 k done for today.
The training is starting to ramp up a bit now.

My exercise details and average heart rate.
Running right around the 154 rate feels good to me.

My average pace and splits.

You can see I slowed down considerably those last few km's because of having to use the washroom.

I really need to figure that out - it's my biggest fear when I think about the marathon or any long run for that matter.

Having to go to the washroom suddenly and not being anywhere near one that I can use.

I remembered to put contacts in before my run which I'm so glad I did - I hate when it rains and they get all wet then I can't see where I'm going.

My video check in for today.

Kody came over right when I got home from my run so I could finish up his and Haylee's taxes too.
It didn't take long as I had most of their information already entered.

I told him I was going to make lasagna for supper and invited him to come back later to have some.

I hopped in a nice warm bath for an hour or so - it gets the chill off after a cold, wet run and it just feels good.

Then I popped down to the store and picked up a few things to make the lasagna.

Kody and Freya came back to have some supper.
Kody said that she is really into wearing dresses lately.

She wanted a bubba which Dad let me give her then she sat with me and promptly fell asleep.

Zepplyn had spent the last two nights with her and then she spent the whole day over there at Crystal's playing with Zepplyn so she was tuckered!

Kody woke her up around 7:30 and took her home.
She has school in the morning and Jason is off tomorrow so he'll likely go get her after that so he can spend the day with her.

He was going to leave his truck at the Razor turnoff at the highway, run home, then get me to drive him back out to pick up his truck.

He figured he'd be home around 8 and when I still didn't see him at 8:45, I called to check on him.
It had gotten super foggy so I was a bit worried.

Turned out, he was chatting with the night shift guy and didn't even get to go out for his run which he was kind of bummed about.

He'll make up for it tomorrow.

I ran Morgan over some lasagna and then Jason and I called it a night.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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