Wednesday 4 May 2022

Sunshine - Free Mood Enhancer (May 3, 2022)

The sun was out today and it was so nice to see.

Such a mood enhancer!

I had 8k to run today so I wore my running gear to work this morning so when I went home for lunch I could head straight out.

I did a route around town, I had to do 5 miles or 8k today.
Got it done!

My exercise details and average heart rate.

My average pace and splits.

I did enjoy my run today - the nice weather certainly helped.
However, overall, I'm feeling tired.

I have decided for sure that I'm going to start observing my rest day, no running on Wednesday's.

I'm still going to walk and get my 13,000 steps but I'll try to spread it out through the day more.

If after a few weeks that even feels like too much, I might skip that goal on Wednesday's too but we'll wait and see how it goes.

I really want to give my body the recovery time that it needs - I want to do everything I can to make sure I'll be able to run and complete my marathon in August.

My daily video check in.

This dress I ordered came in today.
I couldn't wait to get home and try it on.

It didn't fit - not even close.

So I am going to give it to Haylee - hopefully she can wear it.

Haylee dropped Freya off to Jason this afternoon to visit so she was there when I got home from work.

Silly selfie with Grandma.

Kody walked up to pick her up and have a bit of a visit first.

I tried to get her to take that thing out of her mouth for a picture but no way would she.
Little bugger!

She and Papa went outside to blow bubbles for a bit.
It didn't last long because she dumped the bubbles out - of both bottles - on purpose!

We gave them a drive home and she was excited about taking the strawberry dress to give to her mommy.

She said her mom was going to love it and look so beautiful in it.
Awwww, she's so sweet.

Her and Jason were practicing making faces.

This is the one for when somebody says something to her that's just silly.
Ba ha ha.
Nailed it!

When we dropped them off at home - Hunter noticed and ran out to say Hi to us.
She was so excited, she ran right over to see him.
She did stop and look both ways to see if a car was coming - she narrated the whole thing for us.

They just moved back in to their place right across the street from Kody and Haylee so I'm sure the kids will be doing lots of visiting back and forth which is nice.

Jason posted this cute picture of his 'fan club' to Instagram.
We do have pretty cute kitties and they are big fans of his.

I'm really looking forward to my rest day tomorrow now that I've decided to observe it.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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