Tuesday 24 May 2022

NYC Day 1 - Goodfellas, Central Park, Made in New York Slice and VanLeeuwen's (May 11, 2022)

Both of our flights were pretty good, barely any turbulence to speak of and we arrived in New York right around 9 am as scheduled.  

Tired but happy to be here.

They've done major renovations in the LaGuardia airport since we last were here and everything looks fresh and new.
It looks fantastic.

There seem to be lots of photo op places.

This ice cream truck out of tiles looked so cool.

My Honey.


There was this huge sculpture thing hanging from the ceiling that was really cool
Our luggage made it onto the carousel in no time at all - I'm always really impressed with how fast they are here.

We caught a cab to our hotel.
I'd forgotten how crazy and fast NYC taxi drivers drive - it was a bit scary but we made it.

We are staying in Queens again in LIC (Long Island City) but in a new hotel this time, Lotus Blu Inn.
We were hoping they might be able to check us in early, it was around 10:30 by this time.
They couldn't right then but they let us store our luggage and said to check back at noon.

There so happened to be a pizza place nearby that Jason wanted to try so we walked over there.
They were only opening at 11 so we just walked around until then.

We got two slices.

It was nice enough to sit outside and eat them which was lucky since there was no indoor seating at this place anyway.
The pizza was just ok.

Cool mural we saw along the way.

After our pizza, we kind of just walked around until noon then headed back to check if we could get a room yet and we were able to, yay!

So we got in the room.
I had kind a nice view of Manhattan.

Another view of the city from our hotel room window.

We were both quite tired so after we unpacked, we laid down and napped for a few hours.
It felt really good to get some sleep.

We woke up around 5 and Jason wanted to get a run in (it was a rest day for me) so we decided to head over to Central Park.

It is full on spring here, the trees looks so nice and green.

NYC traffic.

We always get metro cards when we come that are good for riding the subway as much as you want for a week.
It costs us about 32 US but is totally worth it.

Waiting for the subway at Queensboro Plaza.

We got off at the Central Park stop (which was only 2 stops from where we started) and this is some of the tile work in the subway.
Cute penguins.


One one side of the street is Central Park and it was looking gorgeous - spring is in full bloom here.

Then the other side of the street is the city.

I just love the hustle and bustle, so happy to be here again - I'd forgotten how much I love it.

It's amazing that such a beautiful park is right here in the midst of this concrete jungle.

So many horse and carriages - it's one thing Jason and I have never done here, take a ride in one.

The park was looking just gorgeous and everyone was out enjoying it.

Some were sitting and relaxing.

Others were biking and running.

I love the juxtaposition of the park and the buildings.

Everything is that new fresh vivid green color of early spring - it's beautiful.

We found kind of a lane for bikers and runners and Jason started off on his run and I just walked and took it all in.

What a difference from the snow I left behind yesterday at home.

Springtime in Central Park.

My Honey running by - he did a couple laps.

I found a bench to sit on so I could just take it all in.




There were even flowers in full bloom.

How amazing to think that back home, everything is brown and bare.

So stunning.

I love the lamp post against the flowers.

It looks even more lovely under this canopy of trees.

If I lived here I think I'd be here everyday - I'd never get tired of it.

Just chilling in Central Park.

Had to get a picture with the blooming flowers in the background.

I decided to get up and do some more walking since it was so lovely plus I still wanted to get my 13,000 steps in.

So many other folks out enjoying the park tonight - it was nice to see.

Every new view was just as beautiful as the last.

I love the buildings peeking in between the trees.

Little paths to explore every where.

Such a nice evening too - the weather was perfect!

Another pretty lamp.

It looks nicer from this angle for some reason.

Always a sucker for a pretty tree and this one is just gorgeous.

We planned to meet at the fountain when Jason finished up his run so I kind of made my way over there.

The stone work on the stairs is so pretty.

I love the ornateness of it all.

We have nothing like this back home in our town.

There was a dance class going on down by the fountain.

Fountain selfie.

Saw a couple of squirrels playing around while I was waiting for Jason.

There are all these bridges and portico's around the park and I love it.

Jason was by here earlier and saw this guy in there singing.
We've seen it lots, the acoustics inside them make the music sound so good.

Full shot of the fountain area - this is such an iconic view, it's been in so many movies.

A bit closer.

Then closer still.

Just waiting for Jason.

When I met up with him, we decided to check out a pizza place on the Upper West side so we headed over that way.
Saw some little pansies blooming under a bush.

More blooms.

Sun is about to set and it's such a pretty time of the day.

We came across a pond/lake.

Another little pathway, I wonder where it goes.

Just to this cute little structure and an old tree trunk.

The tree trunk.

It's a cool structure.

Would love to build something like this in our backyard.

The path just looks so inviting.

Birds singing in the trees.

More flowers in bloom.

The John Lennon memorial.

The lights turned on in the park.

Another neat wooden structure.
I'm really going to try to build something in our yard this year.

We made it over to Made in New York Pizza.

They make a pizza like the one we like from Prince St. Pizza.

Of course we each got one of those then I got a vodka slice and Jason got a plain cheese.

We also got garlic knots.
The pizza was good - the pepperoni square slice wasn't as good as the one at Prince St. but it was still good.
The Vodka slice was really good and so were the garlic knots.

We sat outdoors to eat it - the weather was perfect.

They have all these structures built by the sidewalks for people to eat in.
The restaurants built them when dining in was not allowed during covid.

They are every where and even though dining in is allowed again, they've kind of stayed and I think they are really charming.

Up next was ice cream.

We passed this place on our way back to the subway so we decided to stop and check it out.

It was just a small little place.

They had interesting flavors and specials.

These were their spring specials.
I had the 'All the Cookies' and Jason tried the 'Royal Wedding Cake'.

Then Jason also tried the Honey Comb and I had Marionberry Crumble cheesecake.

It was delicious.

You could buy pints of it to take out too and if we'd had a freezer back at the hotel room I probably would have gotten more.
There were a few other flavors I would have liked to try.

Just a really cool sandwich board we walked by.

Another really charming outdoor eating area we walked by.

Back in our room and right into the bed.

It was actually a really good sized room - spacious.
It even had a little couch.

We brought A LOT of shoes with us.

Haylee posted some pics of Freya - miss her already.

Her hair is getting super long!

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!