Monday, 30 December 2024

Rock Chip x 4 (Dec.3, 2024)

 The conference went right until 11:30 this morning - I had planned on going to work at the St Albert office for the afternoon but the roads were kind of icy and by the sounds of things the driving conditions were only going to get worse so I decided to just head straight back home and work at the office there to avoid driving in worse conditions in the dark.

I was about 40 minutes from home when a big truck passed me and some rocks flew off it and hit my windshield - about 4 rocks all at once and holy heck, it scared me.
This one hit so hard that it almost came right through - you can see all the glass shards all over the dash.

When I got to the office I had a better look at the windshield and saw that in addition to the great big rock hit, there were 3 other spots that got hit, you can see a crack starting here on the side already.

This is the big rock hit from the outside.

Then there was another hit here near the top of the windshield that is already cracking.

Then it's hard to see but there is a chip here where the 4th rock hit.

I made it to the office by 1 and just worked the afternoon there.

I saw this idea online and I think I'd like to try it.

It's a whole gingerbread village cut out of cardboard and painted with puffy paint

I think it looks so nice - my cupboards go right to the ceiling so I wouldn't be able to put it there but I'm sure I can find another place.

They even added lights right to this building - I really like it.

This is just a shot of the whole thing and how it looks.
I think it might look good n a window or something.

Anyway, that's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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