Thursday 30 June 2016

New York City 2016 Day 1 - We're Here!

We took the red eye from Edmonton last night and finally made it here this morning.
Luggage made it safe and sound too.

First order of business, wait in line for a cab!

After we dropped off our luggage at the hotel we headed to Central Park to hang out until our room was ready for us to check in.  Saw these guys sharing a bucket of oats!

This was a great treat for today. It was melting hot out there!

We just lazed around the park for the rest of the morning.

This was my view.

Central Park is just so beautiful and there are so many wonderful things to discover there.  We haven't even scratched the surface.

I have a thing for trees.

We saw this lady walking her dog and tried to grab a photo but were not quick enough.  Then we just happened to see her again a couple hours later.  I call this the Dreadlock Doggie, poor thing must have been just roasting today.

We headed back to Queens and stopped at Court Square Diner for lunch.   I had the gyro platter and the salad that came with it was delish. 

After we had a nap in our teeny tiny room, we headed back to Manhattan to see the show we had booked for tonight.  It was good, lots of dancing, reminded me of the old movies I love to watch.

Before hopping on the subway back to the hotel, we just had to grab a slice, we are in NYC after all.
It was only .99 for a slice and it was really good.  Just as good as any we have ever had.

Looking forward to having a nice sleep tonight in our cozy little room.
Until next time, be happy!

Wednesday 29 June 2016

Weigh In Wednesday #2

Another sunny day in the neighborhood!  I almost talked myself out of walking this morning as I still have a few things to pack and was a bit later than usual getting out the door but changed my mind at the very last minute and walked to work.  I am glad I did, I always feel better when I do.

Weigh In Day!  So not a big change again but that's ok, I wasn't expecting one.  We will be away on vacation so there will be no weigh in next week.  I wanted to get a feel for where I am now as I will be putting more effort into weight loss when I get back from vacation.

Breakfast this morning was good old oatmeal.  One of my favorite things for breakfast. 

My sister has been out of the country working since April of this year and my two handsome little nephews have been staying with their dad.  She arrived home today for a visit and I think the boys were pretty happy to see their mom.  They live in Nova Scotia so unfortunately I won't get to see her when she is home but she sent along these pics.  Not hard to tell that she has been working in a warm destination.
Sissy and Nephew #1
 Sissy and Nephew #2

All the girls at the office today got together for lunch one final time.  Summer is upon us and vacations are beginning so it is probably the last time we will all be together before the changes happen.  I was mortified by the size of me in this picture and the only reason I am posting is so I can compare in a years time.  I think my "baby steps" approach might have to be changed to something a bit more aggressive, we'll see.  For now I am going to enjoy vacation.
As soon as I am finished work today we will be heading to the airport.  We have a late flight tonight but we like to get to the airport super early.  I am super excited!
Signed up for another 5K today, that's number 2!
Until next time, be happy!

Tuesday 28 June 2016

Another One Bites the Dust!

Another beautiful, sun shiny morning.  I sure do love summer.

Sorry to report though that I had to say good-bye to a very important part of my life.  My awesome pink blow dryer finally bit the dust.  We had a good 2 1/2 year run though so I can be thankful for that.  Looks like we'll be making a stop in the city tomorrow for a new one.  Hope there is another pretty pink one out there waiting to come home with me.

Got all registered for my first of 50 runs.  A bunch of the ladies I work with signed up as well.  I am looking forward to it.  I think it will be a fun time.

This is not going to be a cheap challenge but that's ok, I think the benefits will far outweigh the downfalls.

Still trying to use up veggies so whipped up this lovely salad for lunch.  It was filling and delicious. 

Today's after work, summer sun snack.  It was melting faster than I could eat it.

And this is happening tonight.........

YAY!  Packing for our trip.  We are heading out tomorrow right after work. I am starting to get excited.  I love going on an adventure.  This will be our 7th time to New York City and we haven't grown one eensy bit tired of it. Already have 3 broadway shows, a food tour and a Statue of Liberty tour booked.  Will be busy but fun.

My "little" baby boy came over for supper tonight.  He's going to watch our place while we are away, plus I always like to see him right before we head out on a trip so I can hug him and tell him how much I love him!  He may be grown but he'll always be my little boy.

My darling niece was kind enough to straighten my hair for me tonight.  I usually wear it curly but straight is nice for a change every now and then.  My arms get too tired so I don't normally do it myself.  She did a great job!

Off to finish up my packing now.  Until next time, be happy!

Monday 27 June 2016

Hello Monday!

Yesterday went pretty much as planned, spent the day housecleaning and doing laundry.  Got it all done, then just chilled and enjoyed it.  Caught up on some PVR'd episodes of Outlander too. 

Woke up to SUNSHINE this morning.  Seeing that sun is like an instant mood booster!

So of course that meant I was back to walking to work this morning.  Took a different route though just to change it up.  I have to walk through a dirt yard this way but luckily it was pretty dry even after all the rain we've been having.

And there is the office.  I just love this time of the year when everything is so green.

Back to avocado toast for lunch but added some tomatoes today.  Still just as good as ever.  Quick and easy too.

I had a little project to work on today, a memento of our Kolor Run we put on for a local girl battling cancer.  I discovered that you could get these little "mini" picture prints at Walmart and they were just perfect for what I had in mind.

I hope she likes it.

Ended up having to take the long way around to my backyard after work as this horrible little creature was lounging on my back doorstep.  Bugs don't usually scare me but these things do,  they are big and they bite. I avoid them as much as possible.

When I did get to the backyard, I put my feet up and enjoyed a fudge stick.  So yummy on a hot sunny day.  I couldn't stop thinking about the fellow on the doorstep though so I wasn't out there long.  When my honey got home from work, I sent him out there to take care of business but Mr. Bug had moved on (lucky for him)! 

I made supper for once tonight if you can call it that, I really just chopped up veggies for wraps. We are heading out on vacation in two days so we need to get our produce eaten up.  (My honey ended up helping with the chopping, just can't keep that fellow out of the kitchen!) 

Until next time, be happy!

Saturday 25 June 2016

Saturday is Here!

On the road early today to make it to an appointment out of town.  Saw this little fellow on the way, he was being camera shy.

My mother, myself and my darling little niece had a few things to take care of, like these......

Being pampered is on my favorite things to do list.

I think my niece enjoys it too!

Deciding on a colour is impossible, and then you aren't done, you have to pick a design too. This is just one of the design displays, they have several! 

The end result.....

I ended up getting my nails done too.  I love being "matchy-matchy"!  It's my thing!

Next stop, lunch at good ole Timmie's.  Iced coffee was extra tasty today.

After some errands it was time for a treat from this cute little place (I love all things pink).


In the winter I barely touch the stuff or even think of it but in the summer I turn into a fiend.  Especially if it is hard ice cream.  Deciding on a flavour is just as hard as picking a nail color so I usually end up with two.  Today's flavour choices - Orange Float & Rootbeer Float.  I was delighted with my choice.

Our final stop was the garden center, the hanging baskets they had were just gorgeous.

Again, so many to choose from, how does one decide?  In this case, you don't, you get one of each.

These are all coming home with us!

My honey cooked me a delicious supper again.  I am spoiled but I recognize it and am extremely appreciative.

Now movie/pretzel time then early to bed.  Big day of laundry and housecleaning tomorrow, can't wait!  (Total sarcasm there in case you didn't catch it!)

Until next time, be happy!