Tuesday 15 November 2022

Farewell Iceland, Until Next Time (Aug.26, 2022)

Time to go home unfortunately.

We were up early and headed to the airport, we like to be there nice and early.


So long Asvegur Street - this is the street our VRBO was on.

This is the little pink gas station at the end of our street that we passed by every day.
I just liked that it was hot pink, not a common color for a gas station.

The signs here look quite different than the signs we have back home.

Just some last pictures of the city as we were leaving.
It was pretty quiet on the roads for a Friday but I guess it was pretty early.

Another hot pink gas station.

They do have billboards just like back home.

That's where we are headed.

We dropped off the car rental and had to wait to get a shuttle over to the airport.
I think if we ever come again, we'll rent right from the airport - having to go off sight was kind of inconvenient and you are kind of at their mercy.

We made it to the airport and through security in no time at all though so we had some time to wander around.

Of course we were at D gate, the furthest away.

We decided to do a bit of shopping (I was on the hunt for a stuffed sheep I'd seen and now decided that I wanted).

There were some really cool murals.

Of course the souvenir shops had  their mascots - I love it.
We searched every shop we could but no luck finding the sheep.

We had some time se we decided to get some breakfast.
We got coffees and a breakfast sandwich each and it cost us 36 dollars.
They were good breakfast sandwiches.

Then we decided to make the long trek to our gate.

We didn't think there would be any shops once we left the main area but there were a few right by our gate and wouldn't you know it, one of them had the sheep I wanted.
I was so happy.

It looks like it's shaping up to be a nice day out there.

Sad that we are leaving.

We originally were supposed to leave tomorrow but Air Canada cancelled one of our connecting flights so we ended up having to change our flight and leave today.

Kind of a bummer - due to all their cancellations we ended up losing 2 days of our vacation, one on the beginning and one at the end.

There is so much more we could have done but I have a feeling we'll be back.

Totally true - I would highly recommend Iceland to anyone.
There is something here for everyone.

We flew from Iceland to Toronto then Toronto to Edmonton.
Everything went smoothly, no delays, no turbulence.
It was nice.

When we landed in Edmonton, we ordered some Thai food for take out and picked it up on our way by.
We headed straight home and were there by around 7.

We were both pretty tired from traveling though so we didn't do much for the evening.
Jason is working tomorrow too so he was off to be early.
I have the weekend off so I'll have a couple days to rest before I'm back to work which is pretty nice.

Here's my stuffed sheep that I just had to have!

I was looking through some of the pictures Jason took on the trip and thought I would share them.

They are really into their energy bars and drinks over there.
I like this Amino Energy drink and have a hard time finding it back home, but every single grocery store we went to in Iceland had it - look at the options this store had for flavors - Wow!

Jason always seems to get a nice kitty picture when we go on vacation.
May need to print this one off and add it to our collection we have on display.

A random statue we came across in the downtown area.

The had some interesting gum flavors.

I had to get the orange kind to try.
I did like it.

So our trip was wonderful but I am happy to be home.
We are heading out again next week to BC so I have that to look forward to.

I'm hoping that I'll be healed up enough by then to start running again - I'm missing it.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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