Thursday 10 November 2022

Cafe Loki, Fermented Shark and Sky Lagoon (Aug.25, 2022)

Today is our last full day in Iceland and it turned out to be a really nice day.

We decided to do scooters again for the day.

One of the things we wanted to make sure we did today was try Iceland's famous fermented shark so we headed to a restaurant that served it first thing.

Cafe Loki.
It is right across the street from Hallgrimskirkja Church.

A look at the menu.
The prices are listed in Icelandic Krona but 3600 k is roughly equivalent to $36 CAD.

Jason ordered the lamb shank.

He also got the fermented shark which came with a shot of Brennivin which is an Icelandic alcohol.

It was just a small restaurant and it was packed.

You can see the church just out the window there.

The Hakarl or fermented shark.

Jason tries fermented shark (Hakarl) at Cafe Lokie, Reykjavik.

He said it tasted like ammonia - I wasn't brave enough to try it.
They give you a shot of Brennivin, an alcohol popular here in Iceland, to go with it.

Jason said that was even worse than the shark itself.
I tried a teeny sip of it and it was awful - I don't like the taste of alcohol anyway so no surprise there.

Jason's lamb shank - looks really good.
They sure like their hearty dishes here.

I had the lamb pate on the rye bread - it was so so good.
I'm a big pate fan.

They had Icelandic rye bread ice cream for dessert so you know we had to try that.
We both liked it.

Next up was souvenir shopping.
I wanted to look for a few things that I always pick up on trips, magnets and Christmas Tree ornaments.
We also wanted to get something for Freya.
I love this giant troll doll one of the souvenir shops had outside.

Came across this giant hopscotch game painted on a street.

Lots of folks just out and about enjoying the nice day.

The souvenir shops had lots of little Viking stuffies and we did end up getting one for Freya.

More murals.

We were near Braun & Co so we stopped by again.
Look at all the goodies they have in their window.
Jason told me that Paul Hollywood (the famous baker) came to this shop in an episode of a show he did and he really liked it.
Kind of neat.

The menu - I have no idea what any of it says.

Great advice.

We picked a few more things to try, like this rhubarb vanilla croissant.

Then we found a spot on a bench near by to sit down and try it all.
Check out this Christmassy colored building.

There was this neat looking kids park right next to us.

We had a pinwheel.

The rhubarb vanilla croissant.

A date bar.

Then this gorgeous croissant.

Just look at all those flaky layers.
This by far was the absolute best croissant that I have ever had in my whole like and I've had a few.

After a short pastry break, it was back on the scooters for more exploring.

We came upon a Christmas shop so you know I had to check that out.


Came across a sign left over from the marathon the other day.

Stopped for some ice cream.

I went all out and got the waffle cone too.

Somehow we made out way to The Perlan on the scooters so we decided to stop in and check it out.

We came from way down that way somewhere.
The scooters are amazing, you can really go anywhere on them.

I wasn't really sure what this place even was but there was a restaurant in here and some shows about Iceland.

We went up to the restaurant floor to check it out.

Pretty nice in there.

We went out onto the deck and the views of Reykjavik from there were so nice.

There's the famous church.

Some colorful buildings.

Jason and I.

View of Reykjavik from the Perlan Museum.

You could walk all the way around so it had 360 degree views just like the church tower did.

I think Reykjavik is such a beautiful city.

This just pointed out some of the landmarks you could see from the deck.

This was back inside the Perlan - a wall full of puffins (not real ones).

These statues were just outside of the Perlan.

Our trusty transportation for the day.
We locked them while we went in, even though it costs more to save them we wanted to make sure there were a couple available for us when we came back out.

We headed back toward the downtown - look at all the flowers still in bloom.

I like this house - I'm a sucker for a huge deck or porch or balcony, whatever you want to call it.

Another cool mural.

and another.

We were kind of hungry so we found a spot to get a bite to eat.

It was so nice out that we decided to sit outside.

This was right beside the little town square we discovered yesterday.

It's a really nice little area.
There was a little water feature there.

Jason ordered a burger.
It was not great, but it was good.

I ordered salmon bites - this wasn't really what I was expecting.

Pretty presentation though.
It was good but I was looking for something a little more robust.

Then the souvenir shopping recommended.
I saw this shirt with Freya on it.
I would have gotten it for Freya but they only had it in adult sizes.
In hindsight, I should have just gotten it anyway.

We found this book of very NOT politically correct cartoons.
The humor in them is very raunchy and extreme but some of it was pretty funny.
Jason ended up buying it.

Another awesome giant troll.

And a Viking.

After our shopping around, we headed back to our VRBO to get ready to head to the spa.
It's so awesome, we could take our scooters right there and then just leave them parked right outside on the sidewalk for the next person to find and use.

We'd gotten tickets to the Sky Lagoon spa tonight and I was pretty excited about going there.
We had looked at tickets to go to Iceland's famous Blue Lagoon but they were super expensive and they were all booked up for the time that we were here.

Sky Lagoon was much closer as well so that was nice.

We had the last time slot for the evening but that still gave us a couple of hours to spend there if we wanted.

Sky Lagoon.

You had to shower here before getting into the pool as well but at least they had private showers.

This is the entrance into the pool area and you were allowed to bring your camera in there which was great - it allowed us to take some pictures.

Jason was already in there waiting for me.

This is when you first get in, it is so nice.

There are lots of little areas where you can go hang out.

Just enjoying the warmth of the water.

It was sooooo nice.

I took a selfie then I took my phone back and put it in my locker.
I didn't want to have to worry about dropping it.

Jason went and got his gopro and when he came back, we went a little further in then around a corner to see this.
What an amazing view.
And the sun was just setting too which just added to the beauty of it.

It was an infinity pool that looked down over into the ocean.

Sky Lagoon Thermal Spa, Reykjavik.

I mean, how nice is this?

There were lots of people there but it didn't feel crowded at all.

People were moving about too so we had a chance to get up to the edge and have a look over.

This is where the water spilled into and where people put there empty drink glasses for the staff to come pick up.

Sunset at Sky Lagoon.

Just hanging out at Sky Lagoon.

What a lovely treat after running 42k the other day.

We watched the sun set.

This is looking back at the lagoon from the infinity edge.

Just so pretty.

I felt like I could have stayed there forever.

I mean really, does it get any better than this?

I made him pose like this (people were posing all around us so we were just playing around).
He's always a good sport about me wanting to take so many pictures.

Me just enjoying the moment.

There was a waterfall that you could go under so we made sure to go over and check that out.

Then just continued to gaze out at the gorgeous sky.

Until finally it was time to go.

This is exactly what we did!

We loved Sky Lagoon - what a great finish to our trip here in Iceland.

So sad to be heading home tomorrow - wish we had more time to do some more exploring but I have a feeling that we'll be back.

When we got back to our VRBO, we packed up and cleaned up so we would be ready to head out in the morning.
Our flight leaves in the morning and we need to be to the airport a couple hours before so it's going to be an early day for us.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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