Wednesday, 18 September 2024

Outdoor Run (Aug.23, 2024)

 I had no kiddos this morning so after my coffee, I headed straight out to get a run done.

I wanted to do at least 5k but hopefully more if I could.

Fitbit got rid of the dashboard so I only have these screenshots from the phone app which aren't as nice but still show the details.
I ran just over 54 minutes.

I did a distance of 6.72k.
I wanted to push to 7k but I was right at the bottom of one of the worst hills in town and I just couldn't make myself go up it - it was tough!!!!

My average paces.
I took it slow but I'm not that concerned with my speed - I'm just wanting to get out there and just do it.

I was still proud of myself for getting out and getting it done early though.

It reminded me that I do like running outside - I want to get back to doing it more often before the bad weather comes.

The wildflower seeds Jason planted are thriving.

It's fun watching to see what different flowers we will get.

After my run, I had a nice long bath and tried out my new blow dryer again.
It didn't seem to get as frizzy this time so maybe it will be ok after all.
My grey is really coming in though - I need to get it colored hopefully before we go to Vegas next week.

I found some cute Halloween craft ideas that I want to try.
This ghostie is cute.

Then I like this kitty and pumpkin.
I think it's made with that corrugated cardboard which I don't happen to have.
I think I'm going to see if I can find some though.

Nadine came over in the afternoon for a visit and we bought some tickets to the show Come From Away.
Bonnie saw that it was coming in September and she suggested we go see it.
Jason & I saw it in NYC but we really liked it so we were up for seeing it again.
Nadine wasn't so sure but figured it would be a good birthday gift for Karl - we'll go in to the city early for supper and spend the night and he enjoys that kind of thing.

Tickets to things like this are so expensive these days.

I went out and found some wood to get started on a few projects.

I base coated a couple of them black to make some ghosts then I also had an idea to make a sign using my IOD pumpkin mold so I painted a piece of wood I had laying around this silver pine color and decoupaged some paper onto it for the background for the pumpkins.

Jason and I watched a couple episodes of The Umbrella Academy before calling it a night.
We started watching it last week and we are quite enjoying it so far.

There are four seasons of it so we may be watching it for a while!

That's all for today, until next time, be happy.

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