Wednesday 18 September 2024

Birthday Shopping Complete (Aug.21, 2024)

Nadine invited Bonnie and I for lunch, Bonnie couldn't make it but I met her out at the golf course. 

It was my first time eating out there this summer - I had the taco salad and it was good.
Nadine and I.

Jason and I wanted to get Zepplyn a bike for her birthday, since it's the end of the season there aren't many options left in the stores but I saw this one on the buy and sell, it looked in pretty good shape so I picked it up for her.

I also ordered some roller skates for Freya for her birthday which is tomorrow so they won't get here in time but they are on their way.

Freya requested a turtle cake for her birthday so I asked Morgan if she could make one.
She did a fantastic job - she is so talented!

I did some crafting tonight - I picked up a rolling pin at a second hand store and I've had the idea to do this for a bit now.
Felt good to finally get it done and I love how it turned out.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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