Wednesday 18 September 2024

New Hair and Sleep Over (Aug.24, 2024)

 Haylee came over last night and dyed my hair for me - my grey was REALLY showing. 

I washed it this morning and just put it in a ponytail but the color looks great.

I worked on a fall craft today.
I actually pulled out one of my IOD moulds the other day and made a couple of pumpkins.
I made them with some clay that I had that was kind of dried out and I tried to reconstitute it and it kind of worked.
I even painted them but then looking at them today, I decided that I don't really like them so I decided to pull out the epoxy that I bought soooo long ago and never used.

It worked awesome - I made too much so I just poured it into some other moulds so it wouldn't go to waste.

I also made these two little ghosties which I thought turned out great.
I am going to put them in my booth at the hardware.
I found the ghostie candle holder at the second hand store - it's brass and I love it - what a great find.

These are the little ghosties up close.

I just wanted a few new things to go with the stuff I had from last year that I put in my booth.

Hunter and Freya are having a sleepover tonight.
Hunter is going to be moving (which I'm so sad about) at the beginning of September and since we are going away next week, this is going to be one of the last opportunities I have to spend time with him before he goes.

Freya is going to miss him so much - they are good buddies.

Jason and I are going to try to go visit the kids every couple months after they move but that won't be the same as being able to just pop down and see them whenever we want to.

So we just kind of hung out all together, we went for a walk to the store to get snacks and watched a movie and ate our snacks.
It was a fun night.

I did not get all my steps today.

That's all for today, until next time, be h

Outdoor Run (Aug.23, 2024)

 I had no kiddos this morning so after my coffee, I headed straight out to get a run done.

I wanted to do at least 5k but hopefully more if I could.

Fitbit got rid of the dashboard so I only have these screenshots from the phone app which aren't as nice but still show the details.
I ran just over 54 minutes.

I did a distance of 6.72k.
I wanted to push to 7k but I was right at the bottom of one of the worst hills in town and I just couldn't make myself go up it - it was tough!!!!

My average paces.
I took it slow but I'm not that concerned with my speed - I'm just wanting to get out there and just do it.

I was still proud of myself for getting out and getting it done early though.

It reminded me that I do like running outside - I want to get back to doing it more often before the bad weather comes.

The wildflower seeds Jason planted are thriving.

It's fun watching to see what different flowers we will get.

After my run, I had a nice long bath and tried out my new blow dryer again.
It didn't seem to get as frizzy this time so maybe it will be ok after all.
My grey is really coming in though - I need to get it colored hopefully before we go to Vegas next week.

I found some cute Halloween craft ideas that I want to try.
This ghostie is cute.

Then I like this kitty and pumpkin.
I think it's made with that corrugated cardboard which I don't happen to have.
I think I'm going to see if I can find some though.

Nadine came over in the afternoon for a visit and we bought some tickets to the show Come From Away.
Bonnie saw that it was coming in September and she suggested we go see it.
Jason & I saw it in NYC but we really liked it so we were up for seeing it again.
Nadine wasn't so sure but figured it would be a good birthday gift for Karl - we'll go in to the city early for supper and spend the night and he enjoys that kind of thing.

Tickets to things like this are so expensive these days.

I went out and found some wood to get started on a few projects.

I base coated a couple of them black to make some ghosts then I also had an idea to make a sign using my IOD pumpkin mold so I painted a piece of wood I had laying around this silver pine color and decoupaged some paper onto it for the background for the pumpkins.

Jason and I watched a couple episodes of The Umbrella Academy before calling it a night.
We started watching it last week and we are quite enjoying it so far.

There are four seasons of it so we may be watching it for a while!

That's all for today, until next time, be happy.

My Sweet Girl is 6 Today! (Aug.22, 2024)

Our little sweetheart turns 6 today and Jason made this video to celebrate her.

I love this video so much, I've watched it so many times.
It just captures her spunk and spirit and just joy so well.
It makes me so happy.

Haylee posted some pictures too in celebration of the day.

These are from their first trip to The Enchanted Forest then this years trip.

There she is walking on the yellow brick road I think like 5 years ago then again this year.
She was so itty bitty.
Time is just flying by.

Then Crystal posted this picture - super cute.

I haven't worked out in almost a week so I wanted to make sure I got a workout done today.
I did a speed workout on my lunch hour.
1 minute walking, 1 minute running, started at a speed of 4.0 for the running portion and worked my way up to 6.0.

It was hard but it felt good to get it done.

Kody and Haylee and the girls headed to Barrhead for the night and Freya wanted me to come too so after work, I dropped by Morgan's to pick up the cake she'd made and then I drove to Barrhead so I could have cake with her.

I'm so impressed with the cake that Morgan made - she did a fantastic job - she is so talented.

Freya's little cousins Emily and Eric were visiting from Regina so they were able to join in the celebrations.

Six years of loving this special, sweet little girl and I've enjoyed every moment.
She has brought so much joy to my life.

Had to take another picture with Dad and Eden.

Happy Birthday.

After cake and a short visit, I headed back home and just visited with Jason for a bit before bed.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

Birthday Shopping Complete (Aug.21, 2024)

Nadine invited Bonnie and I for lunch, Bonnie couldn't make it but I met her out at the golf course. 

It was my first time eating out there this summer - I had the taco salad and it was good.
Nadine and I.

Jason and I wanted to get Zepplyn a bike for her birthday, since it's the end of the season there aren't many options left in the stores but I saw this one on the buy and sell, it looked in pretty good shape so I picked it up for her.

I also ordered some roller skates for Freya for her birthday which is tomorrow so they won't get here in time but they are on their way.

Freya requested a turtle cake for her birthday so I asked Morgan if she could make one.
She did a fantastic job - she is so talented!

I did some crafting tonight - I picked up a rolling pin at a second hand store and I've had the idea to do this for a bit now.
Felt good to finally get it done and I love how it turned out.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

Birthday Celebrations x 3 (Aug.20, 2024)

We have a lot of August birthdays in the family and it's always such a busy month that it is hard for us all to get together, but tonight was finally the night.

We were celebrating Alivia, Haylee and Freya.

I love this picture of Haylee holding Eden and Whitney.
They are about 7 months apart in age.

Kody and Jason.

Kalem, Morgan, Adrien and Hunter.

Alivia, Freya and Rob.

I made a cake then Freya decorated it.
It was really for Alivia and Haylee too but I'm sure they will be just fine with it.

We sang to Freya first then she blew out the candles.

Next up was Alivia's turn, we just relit the candles and sang again.

Then we sang Happy Birthday one more time.

This time so Haylee could blow the candles out.

The kids had another lemonade stand tonight so they spent most of their time outside - it was a beautiful evening.

It's so nice having everyone over and just being together.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

Tuesday 17 September 2024

Impromptu Lemonade Stand (Aug.19, 2024)

It's Monday that means, weigh in day.

I was 215.4 lbs.

That's up 4.0 lbs since last weigh in - not good.

I had both girls over after work today because Kody and Haylee had to make a trip to Whitecourt.

Freya did my make up.

She's quite the little 'Artiste'.
It was sooo hard to wash off but she enjoyed it so it was worth it.

Hunter came over for a visit too and he and Freya wanted to do a lemonade stand so Jason pushed it out front and helped them get ready.

They wanted to make a new sign for it so Jason took the sign off and just flipped it over.

They drew the letters and painted them all by themselves.
Jason came up with the idea of putting paint on leaves then pressing them on the sign to get the impression of them.

Once they finished, they made lemonade and set up by the road - they had music playing and Jason gave them a little float to get them started.

They actually had a few folks drop by and they made some money which was great.
I was kind of expecting them to be disappointed but Jason had faith and he was right.
Plus I think the kids would have loved it regardless.

After the kids went home, we could see some lighting off in the distance so we drove up the hill to the lookout to get a better look at it, Jason got some video of it.

It did look really pretty off in the distance.

Then on the other side of the road away from the lightning we noticed the full moon shining and it looked so beautiful.
Pictures can just never capture it - at least not with the camera that I have on my phone anyway.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!