Friday 2 September 2022

Iceland Tomorrow! (Aug.16, 2022)

It was a quiet day today.

I left work a bit early as Kody and Haylee needed a sitter.

We did a few errands around town and I packed for our trip to Iceland - we fly out tomorrow.

Freya has an appointment in the city with a specialist at 9:30 tomorrow morning so we decided to head into the city tonight and Kody and Haylee and Freya are going to join us.

That way, they won't have to get up super early in the morning and drive to the city and we get to spend more time with Freya before we go so win win!

I was looking at my hair and the grey is really showing - I wish now that I'd made an appointment to get it done but too late now.

So I decided to pick up one of those root coverage kits and I applied it myself.

I forgot to take pictures but overall I think it turned out pretty good.

It isn't perfect but it covered the grey in the front for the most part so I'm happy with that.

It was late when we got to the hotel and being a Tuesday, most restaurants were closed so we ordered some pizza.

Getting a few last hugs in - we are really going to miss her.

Selfie with mom and Dad.

Dad wasn't looking so she tried again.

My little cuddle bug - love her so much.

My beautiful niece.

I'm really hobbling/limping badly so no running at all and I didn't even get out for a bike ride today like I'd planned.

I think taking it easy isn't a bad thing - I'm so worried about how I'm going to be feeling on marathon day, I definitely don't want to get any worse so if I have to rest until then I'll do that.

I didn't even get my 13,000 steps in today but that's ok - I am not going to worry about that goal until after the marathon.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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