Tuesday 27 September 2022

We Made it to Iceland! (Aug.19, 2022)

We landed in Iceland around 8 am and I was tired but happy to be there.
It was a nice, smooth, uneventful flight which is just how I like them.

Well thank you Lundi!

I've not seen an airport like this one before, there was a big long hall with all the gates but no seating anywhere.

Lots of pretty shots of Iceland though.

This must be Blue Lagoon - looks amazing.
It's one of the places I hope to get to while we are here.

Cool mural in the main part of the airport.

Found the exit to Iceland.

Here we go!

The first thing we needed to do was figure out our car rental situation.

We couldn't find the confirmation email from when we'd booked it but we did have an email from the company on another matter so we at least knew the name of the rental company.

Also we were supposed to pick it yesterday so we were a day late so we it was kind of a long shot but we figured we'd give it a try.

We found a guy holding up a sign in the car rental area with the rental company's name on it, we kind of explained our situation to him and he said to come with him and talk to the manager.

So we hopped on his shuttle and took it over to the car rental place.

Some of my first views of Iceland - leaving the airport.

They were able to find out reservation but since we were a day late he had to give us a different vehicle which he said was an upgrade so it was more expensive.

If it was an upgrade I would have hated to see what they were going to give us!
It was a car brand that I've never heard of before, a Dacia Duster.

It was a standard and not in the best shape but whatever.
It'll work.

We just wanted to get to our VRBO and have a nap at that point.

Heading to Reykjavik from the airport.

We were driving along the ocean.

The sun was starting to come out.

I don't think I've ever seen terrain like this before - it was really neat.

I think that is Reykjavik off in the distance there.

Just getting into the city.

We found our VRBO no problem, got settled in, unpacked then had a nap.

I was feeling worried because the marathon is tomorrow and I should be trying to get more rest this week but instead I'm missing out on sleep.

I didn't sleep a wink last night.

Not much I can do about it though at this point.

We napped all afternoon then we we got up, we went to find the expo to pick up our race packs.

I was expecting a whole bag of goodies which is what I've gotten at every other run that I've entered but all we got were bibs.

The race course.

How to line up at the start line.
I guess you are supposed to put yourself in the section you think applies.
I'll be near the back!

Where the start line actually is.

We checked out the vendors at the expo briefly but we were hungry so we headed downtown to find something to eat.

We had picked a spot and put it in the GPS but when we got downtown some of the roads were closed off in preparation for the marathon tomorrow so we couldn't go the way the GPS was instructing.

Instead we found some underground parking then just walked around until we found a place that looked interesting.

This place looked as good as any and the reviews were good so that's where we went.

Messinn Seafood Restaurant.

It was kind of downstairs but it felt cozy.

I love all the beams on the ceiling.

I liked all the plants and the decor as well.
That old hook looks so cool.

We shared a bowl of the lobster soup that seems to be a popular dish here in Iceland and it was good.

It came with fresh bread which of course was also delicious.
I mean, who doesn't like warm, fresh bread with butter?

I wanted to try something 'Icelandic' so I opted for the Icelandic Plokkfiskur.

It had all these ingredients and it was really good but the best part was that rye bread that came with it.
It wasn't like any other rye bread that I've had before, it was dense and sweet and moist.
OMG - I loved it.

Jason went with the Seafood Pasta.

It had all kinds of goodies in it and it was delicious as well.
Their currency here is the Icelandic Krona.
The exchange was pretty easy actually, the 3.590kr for this dish was approximately equal to $35.90 Canadian dollars.

After we ate, we just explored around a bit.

This is right outside of the restaurant where we ate in downtown Reykjavik
They were setting up for the marathon tomorrow.

Some cool looking trees in a park nearby.

It was a bit drizzly and the grass looked electric green.

This gorgeous green space was right downtown.

I like the look of the sidewalks, very pretty.

There was also a nice little pond/lake downtown.

From the map I had we could tell that the starting line was going to be right around this area tomorrow.

It took us a bit but we did eventually figure out exactly where we needed to be in the morning which I felt good about.

There won't be any fuss about that in the morning, we'll know right where to come to.

Just a few of the buildings downtown.

I like the detail work on this house.

This is where the Finish line is actually going to be tomorrow.
So nervous and excited - just want it to hurry up and get here now.

We stopped at a grocery store on our way back to our place because I wanted bananas and bagels for the morning.
We could find any bagels so I had to settle for some buns.

When we got back to our place, we went to bed right away to try to get rested for the morning.
I did finish reading the rest of my book (American Dirt) first - it was such a good book, a real page turner.

It turns out that I didn't get in any workouts this week except for one on Monday.
My groin is still sore so I'm not sure how tomorrow is going to go but I put all the work in so I'm not giving up now.

I'm just going to give it my best shot and whatever happens, happens.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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