Friday 30 September 2022

I Did It, I Ran a Marathon! (Aug.20, 2022)

 It's here, the day of the marathon is here and it's real and it's happening.

The marathon was starting at 8:30 so we were up early to get ready.
I ha a coffee, a bun, a banana and an amino energy drink.

I thought I would be more nervous, especially considering my groin being in pain but strangely I wasn't.
I kind of just decided that I've done all that I could do up to this point, now I would just go there and try my best and if I finished great but if I didn't, that would be ok too.
I felt much calmer about the whole thing than I expected I would.

Flat April was ready to go.
I had planned on wearing a tank top for the run today but it was a bit too chilly for that so I'm glad I brought this long sleeve running shirt as a back up.
I even ended up wearing a jacket too.

We figured we would take a cab down to the starting line but we couldn't get one so we just drove down and parked in the underground parking.
It wasn't that far from the start line.

I took some Advil and Tylenol with my breakfast and I also brought another dose along with me in my pocket to take a few hours into the race.

We got there in plenty of time and headed over to the start line.
Jason forgot his bib in the car so he had to run back for it and I made my video check in for before the marathon.

Morning of the marathon check in.

It only took Jason a minute to get his bib so we had a chance to soak everything in a bit.
I also made a pit stop at the porta potties too just in case.

That was one of my biggest worries about running the marathon but I'd looked at the race course the other day and saw there were plenty of porta potties along the route so that made me feel much better.

Starting line.

It's go time - Reykjavik Marathon
Let's do this!

We started out together but Jason is much faster than I so was off ahead of me right away.

I was wearing my headphones but didn't turn any music on.

There were people out cheering the runners one with signs and noise makers and they were clapping.
There were a couple of bands playing along the way.

The vibe was really great.

I don't know if it was adrenalin or the pills but my groin wasn't bothering me at all so that was a good thing.

I decided that I didn't want to look at my fitbit so I was depending on the distance markers on the course to let me know how far I'd gone.

The first one I saw was the 5k one and I was feeling pretty good at that point.

The next one was the 9k one and I was still feeling good.

I'd had some gummies at the 5k mark, an energy bar after the 9k marker.

We ran from the downtown area into a residential area and then onto the main road along the ocean.
It seemed like the sun was trying to come out but it was chilly and super windy along the water.

I thought it was supposed to be a mainly flat course but we did have to run uphill by the water directly into a very strong headwind and it was brutal.

There is the water behind me and you can see how much my hair is blowing.

These are some pictures that the race photographers took.

Jason is in the red top, blue shorts and white cap to the right there.

He was pretty far ahead of me at this point.

He looks like he making out ok, looks happy.

A couple of pictures of me by the same photographer.

I saw him there so I gave him a little wave.

I look pretty happy myself.
I was feeling pretty good.

We basically ran up to the top of the hill then back down again.
As I was on my way up, I saw Jason on his way back down.

It was so tough running uphill into that wind and I had no idea how far we'd gone but the half marathoner's hadn't broken off from us yet so I knew we weren't even halfway at that point.
I just tried to put that out of my mind and not think about it too much.

Not much further though, when we came back down to the bottom of that road, we did split off.
The half-marathoners went one way and the full marathoners went another.

We really thinned out at that point, I only had a couple of other runners that I could still see ahead of me.

I could feel myself slowing down but I didn't stop.

I didn't see another maker until the 25k maker.

I was feeling really depleted at that point and I was worried that I was going to hit 'the wall' that I'd heard so much about.
I ate another energy bar that I had on me and some more gummies and that really seemed to help.

I passed several water stations and I'd grab a cup of water and a cup of Gatorade at each one.
They were supposed to have bananas at each station too but I only got one of those (just a piece really), I think they were all out by the time I made it to some of the last stations.

I was tired and I knew I was going slow but I just kept going.
It was kind of lonely too, we were spread out pretty far at that point.
I'd catch up and overtake a person or two and the odd person would catch up and overtake me but for the most part I was alone.

The next marker I saw was the 30k marker and I decided to put my music on at that point, I'd been running without it up to that point but now I felt like I needed it.

My struggle after that was just to keep going.
I really wanted to walk but one of my goals was to run the whole thing without walking.

I think I might have done it too but then we hit some more hills.
I tried and tried to keep running but right at 37.78k (I looked at my fitbit) I was running up a kind of steep hill and I just couldn't keep going, I had to walk.
I just walked up to the top of the hill which got me to the 38k mark then I started running again.

There were two more hills after that that I stopped and walked up but just for short distances.
I don't even think I walked a whole km all together.

We'd been in a park like area but then the route headed back into the downtown area and it was busy, there were lots of people around.
When the race volunteers saw me coming, they'd block off the intersecting road and not let any pedestrians pass so there'd be all these people waiting for me to go by so they could cross the street and they would all cheer me on as I went by.

That really helped to keep me going.
I think I was right around the 40k mark by then so I knew I was going to finish but I didn't know if I could run it or if I'd have to stop and walk.

Then at the next road block off, Jason was standing there with the volunteers cheering me on.
He'd finished already and had walked back to cheer me on.
I was so happy to see him and it kept me going for a few more steps.

He snapped a picture of me as I was running toward him.

When I ran past him, I had to turn a corner onto the main road and there was kind of a hill there between where Jason was standing and where I needed to run.
So in my mind I was thinking that I didn't want to stop and walk with him watching me so if I could just make it past that hill where he wouldn't be able to see me anymore then I could walk.

But I was so close to the finish line at that point that I pushed myself to keep going and I was able to keep running right until the end.

Just about at the finish line!

I didn't get as emotional going over the finish line as I was expecting I would but I think that was because I was hurting so much by that point.

They announced my name and where I was from as I crossed the finish line and even though it was 5 hours and 35 minutes into the race, there were still lots of folks there cheering the finishers on which was nice.

There was an aid station with water right next to the finish line so I headed there and guzzled back about 5 cups of water and Jason met me there.

I looked all through the race pictures on the website but they didn't seem to capture one of Jason finishing the run.


Showing off our medals we earned.

I am so dang proud of us.

This is what the run looked like on my fitbit.

The run details.

My average pace and splits.
I did stop and use the porta potty once along the route hence the longer time at the 21k mark then you can see where I did the walking between the 38 and 40k marks.

I'm actually really proud that my average pace was in the 7's, I was expecting it to be in the 8's for sure.

So my three goals for this marathon were:
1 - finish the run
2 - do it in under 6 hours
3 - do it without walking.

I managed the first two and you know what Meatloaf says, "two of three ain't bad"!

I rested on the bench for a bit then we were both hungry so we found a place to eat.

It was a little burger place, I forget the name.

We each had a burger.

We also shared some nachos.

The food was good but I was in a lot of pain.
My lower back was so sore that I couldn't even eat, it was awful.

Not only was my back sore, my groin was very angry with my and my thighs and hips were sore too.
So we went back to the room and I had a shower.

After the shower, it was time for a nap.
We had a nice long nap, woke up later in the evening.

Jason went for a walk to a grocery store to get us something for supper but I was in no shape to go anywhere.
I stayed in bed and medicated.

Jason picked up a couple frozen pizza's and only realized when he got back that we didn't have an oven so he cooked them in the frying pan and they were pretty good.

I basically just stayed in bed for the rest of the day and night.

I did look up the marathon results.

Jason's time and placing.

My time and placing.

So 703 people finished the full marathon, so nearly a hundred more after me.
Even if I'd come in dead last I still would be super proud of myself.

There were 721 running but there were a few that didn't finish.

Alivia posted this cute picture of Hunter on Snapchat.
Wednesday vibes!
OMG, I don't know why this struck me as so funny but it did.

I earned the Blue Suede Shoes award on my fitbit today.
60,000 steps in one day.
It will be a loooooong time before it happens again.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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