Friday 23 September 2022

And We Are Off To Iceland, Finally! (Aug.18, 2022)

 Our flight was leaving Edmonton at noon so we got up and ready to go early.

We like to be there in plenty of time.

Saying good-bye to Freya was tough, she was crying saying that she wanted to come with us.

I can't wait for the day that we can start taking her travelling with us.

We are going to miss her so much and we are also missing her birthday on Aug.22 which is a bummer but we'll be back before you know it.

We did end up getting another delay notification for 12:30 and we thought "Oh No, here we go again", but that was the only one we got.

We got to the airport in plenty of time so after we go

t through security we went and got something to eat at Chili's which seems to be our go to place at Edmonton Airport.

I was checking out the quick root job I did on myself.
I can see some grey there in the back there so not the best job but it's covered in the front where it counts so I'm happy with that.

Pretty excited to be heading out to Iceland finally.

We were both excited.

Jason had a chicken strip salad.

I had the quesadilla explosion salad - I've had it before and it's really good.

Afterwards we stopped by the bookstore and had a look around.
A friend of mine on Facebook highly recommended this book and I was in the mood for reading so I wanted to pick it up and give it a go.

I'm writing this after the fact so just to update - I started reading this book on the plane and I loved it.
It grabs your attention right away, I could barely put it down.
I ended up reading most of it on the two flights and finished it in the evening at our VRBO in Iceland.
I highly recommend it.

This book looked interesting to me as well so I took a picture just to remind myself to look for it at a later date.

We were off to Montreal right at 12:30 and arrived there at 7 pm.
Our connecting to Iceland wasn't until 11 pm so we had some time to spare.

We went to a restaurant to grab a bite to eat - I like all the pink they had in their decor.

Jason had a smoked meat poutine.

I had a burger and fries.

We also shared a chocolate lava cake for dessert.
It was yummy, very rich.

There was a grand piano just outside of the restaurant and this young kid stopped and played a few tunes.
He was really good.

Our flight to Iceland left right on time.
It was the red eye so I was hoping to get some sleep but that didn't happen (it never does).
The flight was pretty good, a tiny bit of turbulence but nothing too scary.
They even fed us a meal too which I've not seen in a plane forever.

We landed in Iceland at 8 am so I'll leave off here for today and pick back up there for my next post.

I do have a few more pictures to share though that I found on Jason's phone.
He's taken them various times over the last couple weeks.

Freya trying out bikes at Walmart.

The one she finally chose.
We bought it for her for her birthday.

Taking it out for a spin for the first time.

Playing around in the back of the car while we were packing to head out on a trip.

She fell asleep almost immediately.

Trying out her wings and unicorn horn headband.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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