Thursday 15 September 2022

Tooth Ache is All Gone - Yay! (Sept.14, 2022)

 Mom was flying in this morning and I had planned on going to pick her up but because I had to miss a little time to go the dentist on Monday and Tuesday, Jason offered to go for me (he started his days off today).

She was getting in at 10 which meant they should have been on the road by 7 but it was closer to 7:30 by the time they dropped me off at the office.

My tooth/mouth is feeling so much better today.

Not 100% but like 90% and I'll take it.

Freya wore her jammies to the airport.
Jason sent me this picture of her 'hiding' when Mom went to the bathroom so she could scare her.

They went out for lunch after they picked up mom, State and Main in Leduc.
Looks like Mom got her hair chopped off.
I asked her about it when she got home and she said she loves it short.

Freya had one of her favorites, hot wings.
That kid can handle way more heat than I can.

Jason's dish looks pretty good.
It kind of looks like pad thai - he didn't say what it was though.

I got Bonnie to give me a drive home at lunch time and I did some quick cleaning then watched some YouTube while I had some rice crackers and hummus.

One of the YouTuber's I watch (Darling Desi) recommended this book.
She gave a brief description and it sounded like something that would interest me so I think I'm going to check it out.

After I finished my lunch, I rode my bike back down to the office.
Going there is great, it's mainly downhill - going back home after work will be the tough part.

Jason sent me another picture from their city trip.
As promised, he bought Freya a new dress - it's too cute.
The style is right up her alley.

Biking home after work was just as tough as I expected but I did it.
I think I should start taking my bike everyday at lunch, get some good practice in.

The travellers got home not long after I got home from work.

Turns out Jason bought her a mermaid costume too and she wanted to put it on immediately to show me.

She was doing all kinds of silly posing for me.

It's a cute little costume with this whole mermaid tail on the back.

More posing.

Now she says she's going to be a mermaid for Halloween.
I'm sure she'll change her mind a few more times before Halloween actually gets here.

She picked out some slime today while they were in the city too and she wanted to play with it at her little table so I helped her open it but as soon as it was opened, I discovered that it wasn't like normal slime.
It was more like glue, super sticky and within a minute of opening it, it was already stuck to my hands, her hands and the table so I just took it all and threw it out and boy, was she upset with me.

She ran crying to the bedroom and slammed the door and when I tried to talk to her she kept saying
"You upset me Grandma, I don't like you anymore".
She reallly was so upset too and I don't blame her, I mean I did throw her new toy right in the garbage and she didn't even really get a chance to play with it but it was way too messy.
I don't mind some mess but that would have been a nightmare to try to clean.
I tried to bribe her by offering to take her to buy a new toy or to make some slime but she wasn't going for it.
I offered to go to the store and let her get a bunch of stuff out of the bubble gum machines because she just loves doing that but she said Papa already took her to get a bunch earlier.
One of the machines has these squishy balls that she just loves.
So then Jason suggested letting her cut the open to see if there was slime inside which she also loves doing and that finally piqued her interest.

She was happy again which made me happy because I hate seeing her upset (I don't regret throwing away that slime though).

So we got her all situated with a bowl and scissors and she went to town cutting open the squishy stuff she had to see what was inside.
Only one of them had slime but she was good with that.

Hunter wanted to come over for a visit so Adrien dropped him off.
These two get along so well - it's so sweet.

Mom was happy to be home and happy to see Hunter.
He's been losing teeth like crazy Adrien said.
I didn't get a close up but his two top front teeth are gone a and a few others as well.

Freya wanted to spend the night again and Kody and Haylee are working tomorrow so it worked out well.
Although she and Jason spent the day together, most of it was in the vehicle so he wants to have another day to spend with her just doing whatever.

She does have school in the morning (and it's picture day) so he's going to take her down and drop her off, go for his run then go back and pick her up.

I'm still taking some medication for my tooth but it's feeling much better.

Didn't get my steps in again.
I was feeling better but the day just got away from me.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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