Friday 23 September 2022

Flight Delay Means Less Time in Iceland but More Time With Freya (Aug.17, 2022)

We woke up early and it was only a 5 minute drive to the specialist appointment so we had time to take Freya down for a quick dip in the hotel pool. 

Quick morning swim in the hotel pool.

She lives for swimming in the hotel pool 

It's her favorite thing to do!

I didn't go in just because I'd straightened my hair but I was there for moral support 😁

After the swim, Kody, Haylee and Freya headed to her appointment.
It took really no time at all so when they were done, they came back to the hotel and we decided to go for lunch together before we headed to the airport.

I found a place nearby that had really good reviews so we headed over there.
Len & Steve's.
It had 4.6 stars which is pretty darn good.

Kody and Haylee.

Jason, Freya and I.

We are going to miss her so much.

Ok so I don't normally like to give bad reviews because I like to give places a chance but OMG, this place was terrible.
The service was bad, the waitress never checked on us ever.
They were super slow, it took FOREVER to get our food.
We were waiting over an hour for our food and it wasn't busy.
Then when we did get it, the food was pretty much inedible.

I have no idea how they ended up with a 4.6 on google but it must have been a padded review or something.
I would never go there again.

Just having some fun - she's a little climber.

After our terrible meal, it was time to say our good byes.
Kody, Haylee and Freya headed to the museum and we headed to the airport.

We'd been getting emails all morning letting us know that our flight was delayed.
First it was by a half hour, then another half hour then as we were driving to the airport, we got another delay message but this time it pushed our arrival time in Toronto past our departure time for our flight from there to Iceland.

So we knew we were going to miss our connecting flight to Iceland but we didn't really know what to do so we just went to the airport anyway.

We parked in the Park n Fly, took the shuttle over then when we got to the counter to check in, the agent informed us we'd be missing our connecting (which we already knew).
She tied to find us another flight that would get us to our connecting in time but she couldn't find one so she had to switch our flights.
Now we'll be flying out tomorrow to Montreal then onto Iceland from there.

It was kind of a bummer because now we are missing a whole day in Iceland and due to another flight cancellation they made a couple months ago when Air Canada cancelled a whole bunch of flights, we had to change our return flight to a day earlier so we are missing a day at the end too.

Nothing we could do about it though so it is what it is.

Jason texted Kody and Haylee to let them know that we'd be staying in Edmonton for another night and if they wanted to stay as well, we'd get a hotel room that could accommodate all of us.

Since we were going to be here anyway we figured it would be nice to spend some time with Freya.

They had nothing going on tomorrow so they said they'd stay.

Morgan was working on a crown for Freya's cake and she sent me this.
It looks cute.

Since we were in the area, we went to one of my favorite stores in Leduc, It's a Crock Country Store.
It's expensive but it has so many beautiful things.

I love this lamp.

I could just wander around in here looking at their displays, they have it set up so nicely.

We stopped in at Winners too and we ended up finding the cutest dress for Freya for her birthday party.
Can't wait to show it to her.

Haylee posted some pictures from the museum.
Freya checking out the elephants.

After the museum, they headed over to the Fringe festival so we texted and said we'd meet them over there.

Freya and Haylee - I love the art on the wall.

We got there and found them pretty much right away.

If I can't be on my way to Iceland, the next best place to be is anywhere with this little chickie.

We sat and watched the end of a performance.

It was like a zombie or 'dead' couple - right up Freya's alley.
It was super hot out and Freya was thirsty so we took her to find a drink somewhere.

Freya thought this performer was great.

One of those statue guys that doesn't move, unless you give him money so of course she wanted to do that.

There were some food trucks there so we had a look to see what they had to offer.

I settled on chicken and waffles.

Jason found some Ethiopian food - it was really good.

Freya got a sausage.

After we ate, we met back up with Kody and Haylee and walked around a little bit.

Freya likes to be on Jason's shoulders.

The food from the food trucks was just ok so we decided to go have a sit down meal at Meat, a bbq place.

It was so nice out that we had to sit outside.
Freya and Haylee.

Freya makes the best faces.

Jason and I.

Silly faces with Mommy.

She's really good at the 'side eye'.'s two to one for Freya - she's quick!
Jason is so good at keeping her entertained.

I had a virgin Caesar and it was terrific.

Meat is a bbq place. I had shrimp, ribs and the corn bread.
I love corn bread.

Jason got brisket, hot chicken and beans and then they had street corn so we had to try that and it was delicious.

The hot chicken was a bit too hot for me.

Sadly the corn bread was on the dry side.
It had a good flavor though.

After we ate, we headed to the hotel - we planned to take Freya swimming in the pool.
 I forgot my Fitbit charger so I stopped at Walmart on the way to pick one up and Haylee hadn't brought a bathing suit so I found a couple options for her and sent her pics.

The bathing suits were all on sale but there wasn't really a lot to choose from.

They don't look to have much support either - I could never wear one of these.

I guess blue is the in color.

I thought this one was cute and she agreed so I picked this one up for her.

AS soon as we got to the hotel, we all got ready and headed to the pool.

Freya made some new friends at the hotel pool right away.
I love how kids make friends so quickly.

She's never just jumped in like that - I was so proud of her.

Her new little friend was so chatty and friendly.

Kody and Haylee relaxing in the hot tub.

Jason was in there too.
We were all kind of back and forth.

Kody and Haylee left to go to a movie and Jason and I stayed at the pool with Freya pretty much until it closed.

We saw this dress this morning and just new we had to pick it up for her to wear at her birthday party.

We showed it to her when we got back to the room and she just loved it.

Safe to say she likes it!

She was doing twirls and watching herself in the mirror.

Our little princess!

I wanted an ice cream so we drove over and got frosty dairy desserts at Wendy's.
Then we hit the hay.

I'm so glad we got to spend this extra time with her now hopefully we'll be off to Iceland tomorrow.

Today was officially a rest day - my groin is still bothering me but I'm still planning on running on Saturday.
Hopefully a couple days of rest will help.
That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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