Sunday 17 March 2019

Miami Escapades, Day Two! (Feb.21, 2019)

We woke up refreshed and ready to start a day of exploring in Miami.
I had picked up these at Target last night so I could have a nice caffeine fix in the morning.

I also got some passion fruit yogurt - it was delicious.
We found frozen passion fruit - it was kind of like juice but thicker and I added some of that to it to amp up the passion fruit flavor.
It was awesome.

We found strawberry rhubarb yogurt too but I didn't did into this one yet.

This Bloody Mary mix is the best!!!
Normally I'm a Caesar girl all the way over a Bloody Mary but we drink this mix right from the bottle without adding a thing and it is so spicy and flavorful - fabulous!

I also got some mango spears because I love mango but they didn't taste that great unfortunately.
That was a bit disappointing.
Oh well.

We walked over to Fireman Derek's first thing for some breakfast.

Fireman Derek was there in the flesh (that's him) and he was very helpful and friendly.

There are just so many wonderful looking options it's super hard to chose just one thing.

So we got a few things.

I love it when the sun is so bright that you have to squint!

We were super excited to be trying a favorite and some new things too.

Sunshine makes me happy.

So does chicken pot pie - especially this one.

They had a new spicy mac & cheese version that actually had mac & cheese and spicy chicken baked right in the crust so we had to try it of course.

The original was still my favorite but no surprise there - I'm not crazy for mac & cheese.

We had the Cookie Monster cheesecake pie for desert and it was just as good as last time.
Anything with cream cheese in it is a win for me.

After we ate, we went on the hunt for a nearby gym that My Honey had found online and took in all the artwork - it's so amazing.

I don't know how they do this on such a big scale and have it turn out so great?
I think it takes a great talent to be able to envision this and then bring it to life.

Murals, murals, murals, every where you look!

We happened upon this art shop place so I went in to have a look while My Honey talked to his mom on the phone.

Who knew plastic dinosaurs were "art"?

Another amazing mural.

We walked over to this outdoor market we saw a sign for but there wasn't anything there.

I remember this orange guy from last time.
He pops up all over the place in Miami.

Even though I'm not American, I whole heartedly agree!

Looks like this elephant had a run in with a rainbow.

Just wow!
It's so realistic - amazing.

I like!

Zoomed in a bit.

Petty cool.

I really love the design on this tray.

I wonder if I could something like this with a stencil and some plaster?
I think I'm going to give it a try.

More cool murals.

We came upon a mini pie place so we got a couple to try.

Love, love, love.

I love the buildings with the colorful patterns too - it's so bright and cheery.

This reminded me of Tom Hank's instagram.
He always posts pictures of random single shoes (and sometimes gloves) that he sees out and about.

We circled back to our room to get the car because we had no luck finding the gym on foot.
We did find it in the car with the GPS but it turned out to be very expensive so My Honey is not going to bother with a membership for the time that we are here.

I convinced him we should get our trip to Hobby Lobby out of the way so that is where we went next.
I need a few things for my Cricut and I looked online before we came and saw that all the Cricut stuff was on sale this week for 40% off!
Woo Hoo!
As usual, I was in Crafter/Decorator Heaven and saw so many things that I loved, like this sing.

Yup, totally!


Anything to do with travel is something that I like.

This is totally our Mantra - I am going to make myself this sign when I get home.

Sales make me happy!

Ideas of signs to make for Baby F's room.

This is another good one.


True story!

Another one for Baby F.

We saw more cool murals on our drive.

As we were driving by, I just happened to notice that the mural had a picture of the mural drawn into the scene - pretty neat.

My Honey wanted to check out a pizza place he'd seen on You Tube so we headed downtown to do that.
The traffic was crazy so it took us a while to get there.
What a cool building.

We found the place, it was La Centrale in the Brickell area of the city.
The place was set up just like Eataly in NYC.

My Honey wanted to try the Tricolore because when he'd seen it, they'd baked ricotta into the crust.
They said they don't actually make it that way anymore but they would for us.
That was nice of them.

It was a nice place inside.

We could see the city skyline - I love how the buildings are lit up with these really nice neon colors.

This building was changing from blue to green to pink to purple.

Our pizza arrived.

The ricotta in the crust was really good but then I'm a huge ricotta fan.

The guy on the vlog we watched has the cacio e pepe so we had that too.

I was in the mood for pasta which is a very seldom occurrence and this was super good.
I probably could have eaten more.
Very basic ingredients, just pepper, cream and cheese, but oh so good.

The place was in this mall so we decided to walk around and check it out after we ate.

It was a pretty neat mall, the architecture was really funky and I loved it.
The weather was just gorgeous too and it was open air so we got to enjoy tat.

We happened upon a movie theatre so we decided to go watch a movie.
It was a VIP theatre and the tickets turned out to be super expensive but we were too far in by that point so we just went with it.

We picked Alita Battle Angle

It had recliner seats and they were very roomy.

They also had seat service so you could order snacks or food from your seat and then they brought it right to you.

The movie was really good - it looks like its set up for a sequel - I hope so.

We walked around the mall a bit more.
Saw more colorful buildings.

The purple is my favorite.

We walked around a bit before heading back to the room.
We were hoping the traffic would have died down by now but it was still just as crazy and it took almost an hour to get back to the room.

When we did get back, we had the pie we'd picked up earlier today.

My Honey got the key lime and I went for the pistachio.
They were pretty good but nothing I'd go rushing back for.

We had a great day and I'm looking forward to tomorrow's adventures.

That is all for today, until next time, be happy.

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