Friday 8 March 2019

Hello Miami! (Feb.20, 2019)

The stop in Toronto was a quick one.
We pretty much just had time to get to our next gate and it was boarding.

The customs agent was really chatty, asked us what we'd be doing in Miami and gave us some suggestions of places to eat.
That was unusual.

I love this view, it means we are heading out on another adventure.
We arrived in Miami right on time - the pilot said it was an overcast day but it was 26 out there so I'll take that and overcast any day!

It felt like it took us forever to get to the car rentals then the line up at Budget was outrageous.
There was a lady there controlling the "line up" and she would only allow one of us to get in the line.

So My Honey got in the line and I sat and waited.
Such a nice big open breezy place.
It seemed like it took forever to get our vehicle too but finally we got it.
It was a Prius.
It was a little strange to get used to but so far, we were liking it.

We decided to go get some lunch.

We went to Versailles which is a famous Cuban restaurant here in Miami.

The place was huge and there was a line up but we didn't have to wait long to be seated.

Excited to be knocking a restaurant off of our "need to try" list.

They had a gigantic menu with tons of stuff.

I had a glass of orange juice - I get a thing for it when we go on vacation for some reason.

The placemat.

I see they have Tres Leches - I am so having some no matter how full I get.

We ordered chicken soup and black bean soup to start.
Both were very good.

We also got a Cuban Sandwich to share.
The special of the day was stuffed peppers so we tried that.

It came with a side of rice and sweet plantains which I am not really a fan of.
It was a pretty good meal.
I was pretty full but the Tres Leches was calling my name.
Should I go for it?
Of course I did!
It was one of the best versions we've ever had too.
See all that sweet milk there at the bottom.
It was moist and sweet and oh so good.

My Honey had a Cuban Coffee too.

They had a bakery next door so we went over to have a look but it was pretty busy and we were pretty full so we left without getting anything.

Our rental.

It even kind of looks a little sporty.

Random ladybugs.

Such a gorgeous day here today.

This house is pretty over grown with plants.
Check out the giant plant pot.

We are staying in the Wynwood district again so we headed over there.
I love the fantastic art everywhere.

Looks like lots of new stuff since we were last here.

Pretty amazing - I think you could walk around every day and still always find something new to see.
We found a parking lot right by our hotel but it was still too early to check in so we walked over to a Doughnut place we'd seen on a Youtube show.
The Salty Donut.

On the show, they tried a Passionfruit donut and I was so excited to try one.
Turns out it's a seasonal flavor and they don't have it on the menu right now.

They had lots of others to try though.

These are the hazelnut.

Strawberry Shortcake.
I liked the way this brick wall looked and the light fixtures.
It was a nice place.
We ordered four different kinds to try.
The line up did not go down at all the whole time we were there.

After our donuts, we walked around Wynwood to check things out.
Amazing murals everywhere.

I'm not sure if this was here last time we were, I don't remember it.

This whole place just has such a cool, funky vibe too it.
We really like it.

We weren't supposed to go into the room until 4 pm but we were really tired from travelling all night so at 3:30 we decided to try the code to see if we could get in.

It worked!
It was a neat little room.
I think we are going to like it.
We were both tired so decided to have a nap.
We ended up napping until 9 pm.
When we woke up, we decided to go to a Target I found nearby to get a few groceries.
We passed by this restaurant on the way.
It had been on Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives so we felt pretty lucky to have randomly come across it.
We were hungry again by that time too so it was very fortuitous.
They had so many options on the menu.

We ended up picking the things that Guy Fieri had tried when he was here.

It was a funky little place.

This was just on the table.

They've been so successful that they've opened a few other places now too.

Love it.

I can't get over the gorgeous weather - why don't we live here?

We had the brussel sprouts.
They were ok but they had a sweet taste to them that was unusual and I'm not sure if I liked it or not.
Weird I know!

I loved the dishes they had - they were metal with these prints on them.
Very cool.

Korean Spicy Tator Tots

Roast pork bao bun.
I wasn't the biggest fan of the things that we tried but I'd definitely go back and try some other things on their menu.

We hit up Target afterwards.
It was open until midnight so we just wandered around and looked at stuff.
I'm always amazed with all the things they have that we don't get in Canada.
Like Carrot Cake oreo's.
I didn't get them but looking back, I wish that I had.

We did each get some ice cream to have for a treat back at the room.
I picked oatmeal cookie.

My Honey went for Caramel Maple Bourbon Pecan.
His choice was much better!
We discovered a really great channel on the tv that we don't have at home.
It's called
It has all these PBS type shows about gardening, cooking, wood working etc.
We really liked it.
We watched it for a bit then hit the hay so we'd be nice and refreshed for the morning.
That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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